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“I’m ashamed to say it took Quinn talking some sense into me to consider going against him. Jake uses our anger and grief to manipulate us into doing whatever he wants. We are just cannon fodder to his plans most of the time, which I know is no excuse. My brother died on a scouting mission into your pack lands several years ago. Jake used my grief to convince me Quinn would better serve our pack as his mate to strengthen our power and authority further. I was stupid to think he was looking out for our pack. All he wanted was more power and authority for himself, and he didn’t care who he had to hurt to get it. I was devastated after losing my brother. It didn't help that my parents could barely function after losing him either.” He sighs “Either way, I made a mistake by helping Jake and Quinn helped me see that. She was always a kind-hearted person, I can’t believe I thought she was better off with Jake.”

It takes a lot of guts to go against your Alpha and even stare down your own grief to make the right choice. I’m impressed with how self-aware he has been. “What would you like to do?”

“What? What do you mean?”

I cross my arms and look him over. He seems like a strong shifter and could be an asset to the pack, especially since he is able to recognize when he is wrong and be willing to change even if it's difficult.

“Do you want to join a new pack? Are you leaving the area?”

“I don’t know… I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

“Well, I offer a place in my pack if you want it. You helped save my mate, and I am grateful. I appreciate your honesty…we can use that in Twilight Meadows.”

“Thank you, Alpha.” He dips his head. “I would very much like to join your pack.”

“Done. Dominic will help you set up and find a place for you.”

“Could my parents join as well?” I think about that for a moment. I don’t know his parents or if they had a hand in Jake’s scheming.

“To be honest, I’m not sure. I just got rid of a disloyal pack member, and I really don’t want to be bringing potential threats into my pack; however, seeing as you have shown respect and courage, I will speak with your parents and determine from there whether or not they would be a good fit.”

“Thank you, Alpha.”

After talking to Thorn and Dominic for a little while, I just want to go to my mate and get my daughter. I find Quinn still talking to Paige by the SUV. After convincing Paige she is welcome to come to the house and stay for a while, she relents and lets me take Quinn home. I hold her hand as she calls Mom, telling her it's all over and Maddie can come home. She says that she will bring her home in the morning. Finally returning to the house, I carry Quinn to our bedroom. She isn’t sleeping anywhere but with me from here on out. I’m not going to be letting her go any time soon. Crawling in behind her and wrapping my arms around her is exactly where I need to be. Finally, I have my family safe and in my life forever. No more holding back.

Chapter 18 - Quinn

The past month has been a dream, minus healing from silver-inflicted wounds. The burns around my wrists and ankles have finally disappeared, and my energy has finally returned. Silver takes a terrible toll on shifters, and seeing as I was wrapped in them for several hours, my body had a lot to heal from. A weight has been lifted off my heart and shoulders after Eli confessed his love for me. I don’t think I would ever want to experience the journey to where we are all over again, but Eli has proven he won’t leave us and is here for the long term.

Today is our mating ceremony and the Luna ceremony—the day we officially become mated, and I become Luna of the Twilight Meadows pack. It was never my dream to be a Luna, but it has always been my dream to live life with my true mate, and that is what I’m going to do. Maddie has been with Darlene and Brad all day while I prepare for the ceremony. I am even more grateful to have such amazing in-laws and grandparents for my baby girl.

After the Clearwater pack dissolved and many members were taken by the council, I had hoped I would see my parents again. I always thought they were bystanders in the schemes Jake played, maybe a little pushy about wanting me to mate Jake, but I thought they did that because they cared. They said they just wanted me to be safe and happy, but that was a lie; they just wanted an in with Jake. My parents didn’t get along with my Aunt, which I didn’t know, and resented her for having the psychic ability that ran through our family and then subsequently resented me for having the gift as well. One woman per generation gets this gift; my mother was not that person, so when my Aunt told me I would be a psychic, Mom started pulling back. I never thought they would use me as a bargaining chip to advance in the pack. But turns out being their child didn’t warrant me any protection. I was devastated to find out that they participated heavily in many of Jake’s delusional schemes. The worst being that they were trying to force me into mating with Jake, when the time came they were going to do everything they could to make that a reality. That shook me for a while. Your parents are supposed to be trustworthy, people you can rely on so I may have been sad for a few days until I realized I now have a family in Twilight Meadows pack. Amber, the mole, was cast out from the pack and had to move far away because our Elders told all the packs on this side of the country that she betrayed her Alpha. Shifters are loyal and pack-minded; no one was willing to take her in with that kind of history. It’s just a shame that she let her ego get the better of her, thinking that with me out of the way, Eli would pick her to be his mate. Or maybe Jim was right and she just wasn’t right in the head, either way I am sad for her. Maybe she will find a place to call home and get some help.

Paige comes bustling into my room with a long, gorgeous silver-grey dress covered in little stars that shine in the light.

“Okay, I’ve got the dress! Though I’m not sure who steamed this thing, it’s full of wrinkles.”

“I think that’s just the style of the material, Paige.”

“Ugh. All because I missed one dress appointment! You should have been in a strappy silky dress but no matter, you would look gorgeous in a brown paper bag. So this one will have to do.”

“Just so you know I happen to like that dress. Pays homage to Seluna with the stars and it makes me feel pretty.” I stick my tongue out because I’m apparently being a petulant child. Sometimes it's way too easy to fall into Paige’s energy.

She lays it on the bed, for a brief moment I get to admire what a lovely dress it is. I step out of my clothes and pull the dress up and over my waist adjusting the fabric to let it hang perfectly. The sheer silver fabric hangs over my shoulders, defining the low open back. My hair is in a wavy updo, showing off my neck, which will soon have a mating mark on it. I flush red, thinking about what is going to happen tonight. We will finally give each other our mating marks, tying our souls together until we die.

“Quinn, you look so beautiful!” She wipes a tear from her eyes as she assesses my ensemble.

“Thank you, Paige.” I look into the floor-length mirror and am very happy with how the dress turned out. It’s nearing midnight when the ceremony will begin, so Paige walks me down to the back of the pack house. Hard to believe this very spot once held my worst memory and now is holding one of the greatest. The backyard is covered in twinkling lights, illuminating the area. An archway sits at the center of the circle, which is surrounded by our pack. The area is bursting with people to see Eli and me commit ourselves to each other. A small aisle leads to the center of the circle, where Eli stands with Wilson, the senior Elder who is officiating the ceremony. I take a shaky breath, because though I am excited to be with Eli, I am still not a big fan of large groups staring at me.

“You look beautiful.” Turning to the side, I see Brad, Eli’s father looking at me.

“Thank you,” I smile.

He holds his elbow out for me to take and says, “I would be honored if you would allow me to walk you to my son. I made some rash comments when we first met, but I have seen what kind of mother and woman you are, and I am so proud of you and beyond happy that you will be in our family. I hope one day you can forgive me for being a stubborn ass. Darlene’s words, not mine.” I laugh a little because that sounds just like Darlene.

“Of course I forgive you, Brad. I know you only wanted what was best for Eli.”

“That’s no excuse, my dear. You are an amazing woman, he is lucky to have you.”

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