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He turns to me, nods, and heads out of the room in search of more ice chips.

"He's been like that since my first small contraction. When I first started having them, I knew it was still going to be a while before the baby came, but he would not shut up. He was panicking, thinking something was going to go wrong, and it didn't matter how many times I told him it was going to be fine—he wouldn't listen to me. I need a calm and level-headed person right now, not the Tasmanian devil whipping around my birthing room."

I laugh at the image of Eli, the big bad Alpha, whipping around the room as a Tasmanian devil.

"You know he's only doing it because he loves you and wants to help."

She glares at me and raises one eyebrow. "I'm going to say that to you when you go into labor, and Liam acts like a damn crazy person."

She's probably right. I don't suspect Liam will handle it any better than Eli is right now.

"Okay! Let's get our game face on. You've done this before and crushed it! You can do it again. What song are we listening to to get ready for this?"

"'Bring It All Back' by S Club."

"Ooooh, classic!"

With the tunes turned on, I get to work rubbing her lower back as she has a contraction.

“Okay, I got ice chips!” Eli practically runs over to Quinn to start scooping up ice with the spoon.

“Eli, you have got to calm down. Why don’t you just sit over there for a while? She still has a bit to go before the baby is here.”

Eli walks over to the lone chair in the room and sits down. His leg is bouncing up and down erratically, showing his anxiety. Quinn makes a little whimper at one of the contractions, and Eli jumps right up out of the chair and rushes to her side.

“Are you okay? Should I get the doctor?”

I can’t help but laugh at how intense he is, but I am equally moved by how much he loves her and wants her to be comfortable.

“I’m fine, babe, just a contraction.”

Eli mostly bumbles around the room, trying to figure out what to do, but when Quinn is pushing, he is right there by her side, holding her hand and bringing this new life into the world. With Quinn's last push, their little baby boy takes his first breath; both Quinn and Eli are crying seeing their little one greet this world.

It feels like it all came right around where it was supposed to be. Last time, it was just Quinn and I in the room welcoming her daughter to the world, but this time, Quinn has Eli, her mate, and the rest of us to support her and love her through this whole experience.

"He's so beautiful, Quinn."

She's smiling and crying, kissing the top of his little head. After Quinn is ready for visitors, I go out and get Liam from the waiting room. He sits in the chair, holding Zachy in his arms. He looks so good holding the baby. If we weren't in public and in front of our friends, I would jump him right here right now. I walk over and stand beside him; he is holding him with such care. He is going to be such a good dad. Looking over at Quinn and Eli—who has somehow climbed into her bed to hold her—they smile, contentment on their faces.

"You guys made a beautiful baby."

"Yeah, she sure did." Eli looks down at Quinn and kisses her head. Quinn looks exhausted, but so happy.

"You excited for your own little one?" Quinn asks me. My hand goes to my slightly swollen belly. I rub it, thinking about how, not too long from now, we will be welcoming our own little one into the world.

"I am, but I swear, Liam, if you go completely unhinged like Eli over there, I will kick your ass out of the room."

Liam looks shocked; he quickly looks over at Eli. "What the hell did you do? How am I in trouble because of something you did?"

“I think my behavior was completely within reason; this was my first time, and I think I nailed it.”

Quinn and I both laugh at the two guys. Quinn turns and kisses Eli’s cheek.

“Sure you did babe, sure. If Paige wasn’t here to keep you under control, you would have been yelling at people of passed out on the floor from all the frantic pacing you were doing.” Eli pretends he is offended, but he knows it is true. Either way, he is a good man who loves his mate and his children.

I can't say that I predicted the events of this year. I found my mate, we took over our old abusive pack, and now we are expecting a baby. I don’t mind how it all worked out, though. I'm happier now than I have ever been, and I can't wait to see what life has in store for us. I kiss the top of Liam's head. Him holding a baby is so damn sexy.

I can’t help but reflect on how this is what family is supposed to be like. They are supposed to be there through the hardships offering encouragement and the good times sharing in the joy. Seluna blessed me with a family I am happy to be a part of, and I will be eternally grateful for the people she has put in my life.


