Page 5 of Jackson

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Michael’s needy moan nearly drowned out Jackson’s curse.

“Now!” He gave Michael a gentle smack on his ass.

“Yes, Daddy.” Like a good boy, Michael moved to his knees before reaching back and grasping Jackson’s shaft.

“Hold on, baby.” Finn tipped the bottle over Jackson’s cockhead and worked the slick in.

Jackson’s mumbles and gasps were music to his ears.

He waited until Jackson started to shake before giving him one last stroke.

“Now, baby,” Finn encouraged Michael.

“Finally,” Jackson grumbled.

Finn would make Jackson pay for that little comment later. Jackson craved a firmer touch than Michael and hated being denied. Finn often contemplated how many times he could deny Jackson an orgasm before Jackson lost his mind. Maybe they would find out that answer someday soon.

As Michael sank down on Jackson’s dick, Finn praised him while rubbing his lower back. He waited until Michael was seated on Jackson’s cock fully before pushing off his knees. Leaning over Michael’s back, Finn grabbed Jackson’s chin, then kissed him deeply.

Jackson jerked but responded quickly, kissing him back.

No one enjoyed kissing as much as Michael and it seemed Michael had started to train them well. Finn found himself getting even more turned on. He rubbed his hard shaft across Michael’s back while devouring Jackson’s mouth.

“Daddy! Daddy, please can I move?”

Finn finally drew back from Jackson but kept a hold of his chin. Finn turned his head and kissed Michael gently. “Ride him, baby.”

Michael didn’t waste any time moving up to his knees and dropping back down.

Finn forced Jackson to lift his gaze. “He feels good, doesn’t he?” Finn taunted. “All tight and hot inside.”

“Yes!” Jackson hissed.

“And you could have been having this the entire time you were hiding from us,” Finn said. He understood that Jackson had to work but that didn’t mean Jackson could ignore them. Plus, Finn was also aware that Jackson had been home a few days already.


“Enough,” Finn said firmly. “No more excuses. We want you here with us.”

Jackson nodded before he closed his eyes.

Leaning over, Finn nudged Jackson’s nose with his own. He dropped his voice so only Jackson could hear him. “You belong here.”

Jackson moaned before he bit his lip.

“Put Michael on his back. I want to eat your ass.”

With muscles that bulged, Jackson lifted Michael and turned. Michael screeched but quieted down as his back hit the couch with Jackson covering him. Jackson’s cock never leaving Michael’s tight hole.

Throwing his leg over Jackson’s, Finn scooted behind him until Jackson’s hard-muscled ass was in front of him. He lowered himself to the couch, glad he’d gone with the wide and long black leather, then grabbed two handfuls of Jackson’s cheeks.

Finn spread Jackson’s cheeks until he could see that hot little hole.

Breathing over the intimate place had Jackson thrusting hard into Michael. Michael’s cries getting louder. Probably a good thing that Finn had extra sound-proofing in his office. Not that he cared who knew what they were doing. Finn would fuck both his men in front of the crowd if that meant no one else ever touched them again. He might get away with that regarding Jackson, but Michael’s shyness would have the boy turning bright red and probably running away. Michael made the cutest little ever, but he still got embarrassed by some of the scenes that took place at the club.

Keeping Michael serving drinks in the main room and in charge of the little and pup area kept Michael in Finn’s sight and kept the boy from seeing too much. Overprotective? Yes, maybe he was, but Michael had already had such a tough life. Finn was there to make everything easier for him.

At least he knew how to help Michael. Jackson was still a bit of a mystery, but Finn knew Michael would be there by his side to help settle Jackson in with them.
