Page 6 of Jackson

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Getting back to the task at hand, Finn leaned forward to dip his tongue around Jackson’s hole.

Jackson yelled then pushed back, demanding more.

That’s right, Jackson was his greedy boy just as much as Michael. Finn licked a long strip between Jackson’s cheeks before he sucked hard on his hole. Finn speared his tongue as deep as he could go, greeted with Jackson’s clean citrus taste.

Growling in the back of his throat, Finn pushed even closer before he did as he’d promised. He ate at Jackson’s hole, getting him wet and open until Jackson didn’t know whether he wanted to thrust into Michael or push back for more of Finn’s tongue.

Finn decided to help Jackson out and coated his fingers with more lube. From the sound of Michael’s enjoyment, Finn didn’t know how much longer Michael would be able to get fucked without coming.

Testing his fingers inside Jackson, Finn made sure that Jackson was loose enough before he tucked himself against Jackson’s back.

He kissed Jackson’s neck as he slowly entered him.

Jackson froze, still buried inside Michael, as Finn gently filled him. Yes, Finn knew that Jackson would go crazy with the soft entry and touch. Gripping Jackson’s hips, Finn carefully drew back before rocking forward with restraint.

“You bastard,” Jackson spat then turned his head to kiss Finn hard.

Finn knew just how to control Jackson and while Jackson might claim to not being a sub or a boy, he was a needy little thing, and Finn would be the only one that gave Jackson just what he needed. Well, with Michael’s help, of course.

Chapter Three


There was nothing, absolutely nothing better, than having a dick deep inside him. Well maybe having Jackson’s cock inside him while Master Finn fucked into Jackson. That was pretty awesome.

Lying back on the couch, Michael was able to see past Jackson’s shoulder where Master Finn nipped Jackson’s neck. There would be a mark there, but Michael was pretty sure that was Master Finn’s intent.

Michael was jerked back from his thoughts when Master Finn finally thrust hard into Jackson. Jackson came alive. His voice rose as he cried out while fucking deeper into Michael. Michael thumbed Jackson’s nipple then dug his nail in.

“Fuck!” Jackson shouted. He pushed back against Master Finn before he plunged hard into Michael again. The entire couch rocked with the motion and Michael knew that he would be sore. He’d been trying to think of anything except how good it felt to have Jackson inside him so he wouldn’t come but it wouldn’t be long now. Not with Master Finn in charge.

Jackson would tease a little, but he was all about getting Michael off. Master Finn could keep them hard for hours, but Michael hoped that this wasn’t one of those times. He wanted to come with his two men. This was the first time that they’d be together since everything had changed.

Michael had been so patient with Master Finn, knowing that Daddy was battling his own demons. When Jackson had arrived at the club the very first time, Michael had been confused but interested. He’d considered getting close to someone other than Master Finn, but it was Jackson who had seen that Michael had been conflicted and told him that Michael didn’t have to choose between them.

Having two partners wasn’t something that Michael had ever considered. Sure, a throuple wasn’t that unusual in the BDSM community, but it was rare. Or at least one that lasted was rare. A lot of couples from what Michael had seen would take someone home for a night, but that hadn’t been what Michael had wanted. It wasn’t until Jackson left for his latest job that Michael realized while he was picturing a forever with Master Finn and Jackson, Jackson thought he was there for only a short term.

Jackson was back now though, and Michael would make sure that Jackson knew how he felt. It was time to put his heart on the line and be honest. Michael didn’t only want Master Finn. It might be hard, and people would probably look at them funny, but Michael wanted two men to be his forever.

Jackson’s cock rubbed over that special spot inside and Michael couldn’t think or worry any longer. He clung to Jackson as his dick swelled. He came fast but even before he was spent, Jackson was coming inside him.

That was another thing. How could Jackson think he was temporary when they’d agreed to go without condoms? Michael had never engaged in unprotected sex before Master Finn and Jackson. Silly Jackson just didn’t think about those things, was Michael’s guess.

When Michael had asked if they’d ever consider going bare, he’d thought the answer would be no. Jackson had admitted that he had also always used a condom and was willing to try. Master Finn hadn’t said much, but after a few days he’d taken Michael to get tested and they’d met Jackson at the doctor’s office. All three had received clean bills of health and the first time that they’d gone without condoms had been magical. At least for Michael.

He hoped the others felt the same.

“You better hold on to our baby,” Finn said in Jackson’s ear. “I’m going to wreck you now.”

Jackson blinked and frowned. “Wh-what?”

Master Finn helped Jackson slip from Michael’s hole, but Michael remained under Jackson. Michael cupped Jackson’s face so that he knew Jackson was listening.

“Let him claim you,” Michael said.


Jackson didn’t get to ask more than that as Master Finn began to fuck Jackson harder. Harder than he had been. For a moment Jackson’s eyes widened as if he was surprised but something must have changed quickly because it didn’t take a minute for Jackson to begin throwing himself back.
