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“Would you want to stay, let me take care of you in ways you’ve never been?” he asks tilting my chin up a bit more his way. “Right here with me in this cabin?”

“What’s wrong with this cabin? It’s bigger than the apartment I shared with my mom, warmer too,” I admit, smiling as I meet his gaze. “I could live anywhere with someone that makes me feel like this.”

“What’s ‘like this’ mean, baby?” he questions, his fingers gently stroking my lips making them part, his eyes intense on them.

“Safe, secure, special…wanted,” I add before his lips steal mine in a kiss that has me saying yes to anything he could possibly suggest.

Chapter 4


Her lips are addictive and dangerous; her eyes could rip me to shreds if she turned those tears on in relation to me. Fucking hell, I will not let anyone hurt her. Let anything come between us. She is perfect for me, soft and sweet, in need of protection, to be cared for, over, held and loved. She’s mine and I won’t let her go once I have a taste of her, a true taste of her.

It’s been years since I’ve even kissed a woman. I can’t remember the last, four no…five years ago now. I gave up on dating, unable to deal with the numerous attempts at women to get me into bed two minutes after we met. Most because they assumed that it would be the easiest way to convince me to marry them, some likely because I’m in damn good shape and big—everywhere.

None of them have a damn clue that much like my girl, I’m a fucking virgin too.

They’d likely laugh me out of the room if I admitted to that, but it’s the truth. Not something that I tell anyone close to me—hell, none of my brothers know. It’s bad enough with them asking if I’ve met a woman yet. If they knew I had yet to sleep with one…no telling the shit I’d get from them.

It’s not like I’ve purposely avoided getting rid of it. I was desperate to in high school, but I wasn’t sure of myself back then. I went from being a five-foot-five freshman weighing barely one-twenty to a six-foot-three sophomore, still weighing barely one-thirty. I was a tall, scrawny beanpole with no muscles and no game with girls.

By the middle of junior year I’d grown to six-foot-five and put on some muscle, but still saw myself as that scrawny kid, and wasn’t comfortable with girls. Then not even two full months into the second semester junior year, my dad was gone, and the last thing I needed was to worry about girls.

I spent all of my late teens and early twenties, making sure my brothers were looked after, while also handling the company and getting my business degree online. I didn’t have many opportunities to meet a girl the normal way, and it wasn’t like I could just leave my youngest brothers at twelve and fourteen to go off with some girl after college. Jasper was barely in college and Ashton was a complete shit, staying out to all hours of the night once he was sixteen.

With all of them heading towards college as well, I focused on work to make sure there was plenty of money for it, and so our mom wouldn’t have to worry about anything.

By the time Rylan graduated college, I was thirty-two and women only saw dollar signs when they looked at me. So, I stayed away from them, leaving me still a virgin at thirty-seven.

That’s not to say I haven’t watched a shit-load of porn and read books to learn things. Haven’t spent hours stroking my dick until I come, picturing some sweet little thing taking it good and hard. I know what gets me going and sweet Sadie checks all the boxes.

My cock hardens painfully as she squirms slightly on my lap, pulling a guttural moan from my lips, and I break off the kiss, cupping her unbruised cheek, not wanting to hurt her in any way. “Fuck baby, you don’t know how desperately I want to throw you onto the floor and bury myself inside you right now.”

“Mmm,” she whimpers slightly, her eyes blazing with desire as she stares at my lips, licking hers. Her grumbling stomach stops me from doing it, and I swear, I break out in a bit of sweat at the strength it takes to lift her off my lap.

“Food first, then we’ll make up a bed here in front of the fire, and we can get back to this if you want to still,” I say, stroking her cheek when it pinks a bit.

“You don’t want to sleep in your bed?” she asks, glancing up at the loft, and there’s no way I’m cramming both of us, let alone me in it.

“This isn’t my actual home,” I admit, watching her eyes widen in shock. “I have several of these cabins along the property. They’re for like tonight, when the weather’s too bad to get home safely, as well as for my brothers to use when they come home to visit and want some privacy with their wives.”

“It seemed a little small for you,” she replies, a hint of a smile on her lips as she glanced up at me when I stood.

“It is, but it works in a pinch,” I tell her, moving her back to the counter and lifting her onto a stool, before heading around to prepare something for us to eat. It’s nothing like what I’d make for her if we were at the house. No, last thing I’d make my girl for our first meal together would be Spam if there was anything else available.

Sadie watches as I finish plating the food, that sweet smile on her lips, and I set down the plate with the Spam and canned mixed veggies in front of her, returning it.

“I promise to feed you something better when we get to my place,” I tell her as she cuts a piece of the Spam.

“I’ve been living off of ramen the last few weeks, this is a treat in itself,” she replies, her eyes showing her honestly and fuck I hate that. No wonder she’s so damn tiny. I don’t mind that she’s short, likely only about five-five. The thinness of her wrists and the way her collar bones stick out pisses me off. First thing I’m doing when we get to my place is to feed her up, make sure she’s getting all the nutrition she needs.

“In the middle of a snowstorm perhaps it’s a treat,” I say, lifting her chin up to meet her gaze. “When I get you home with me, you’ll get whatever you want to eat, whenever you want it, I promise. If that’s a big juicy steak or a four-cheese lasagna, all you have to do is tell me, and I’ll see to it.”

“You cook?” Sadie asks, a flush on her cheeks that is damn sexy, making me want to see it spread all over her body as she comes for me.

“I know how to cook and usually do all the cooking for myself at my place,” I admit, wanting her to know that she won’t have to worry about anything, or work herself to the bone as she’s been doing ever again. “I don’t mind cooking and for nights when I don’t want to do it myself, I get something at the resort.”

“Resort?” Her brows scrunch a bit and I smile, dropping a kiss onto her lips before answering her.
