Page 23 of Faker

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The door opens again and in walks the middle problem child. Taemin is dressed like he stumbled out of a jazz club. “Why am I here?” he asks, plopping down in a chair and brushing a hand through his brown hair, straightening his beige suit.

I flash him a smile, or try to, and he flips me off which I return.

“Can we focus?” Jay says. Taemin taps his fingers on the table and sighs.

Jay continues without looking at him or me. “We are here because Sum wants to fuck over the asshole who’s been giving us a hard time in the club circuit.”

T perks up, that’s part of his portfolio. “You are talking about the politician’s son?”

I nod, tapping my fingers on my knee, barely being able to sit still. I want to end him once and for all—she’s a better reason.

“Did you even do a background check on her?” Han asks from his seat next to me.

I eye him. “Don’t, she isn’t a spy planted to take us out.”

“Wouldn’t be the first one,” the youngest says under his breath, leaning back in his chair, balancing on his hind legs. I flip him off and he blows me a kiss I ignore.

“We have to take it into account,” Chris, the quiet one and voice of reason, chimes in.

“She’s clean,” I grit out. “She’s an artist and got roped in with the wrong guy.”

“Are you talking about yourself?” Jay remarks, and I raise my brow, warning him not to take it too far.

Han scowls at me. “We are here to cast our votes, Summer.”

“What votes?” I clutch the chair I’m sitting in. “She’s mine, and I’m going to keep her,” I warn them.

They all look at me like I’m crazy. I mean, I am, but this is non-negotiable, I’m not giving her up before I get a real taste of what I won.

“We always vote about the guys we put out of business. She is collateral damage,” Jay says, leaving no room for discussion. He might be younger than me but holds authority when it comes to stuff like this, after I went rogue and left a path of destruction down South. We have everyone in our pockets, the police and the better part of the government, the only one we couldn’t touch was the man’s son.

“We’ve never done anything for a girl,” Han says.

I snap my head in his direction. “Where the fuck did this come from?” I ask, balling my fists, ready for a fight.

He holds up his hands like he’s apologizing.

“Don’t give me that.” I pout, crossing my arms in front of my chest. “Fuck, okay, what do you mean?”

“I mean…” He sighs while the others brace to hold me back. I’m not going to hurt him. I want to when he’s acting like this, but I won’t. I’ve got enough scars already, I’m not trying to get more in the process. “Why is she different? Are we’re risking it all for something that maybe isn’t worth it in the first place?”

I push my chair back and the others sit up in theirs. I hold up my hand, indicating I’m good. “Weren’t you the one who said you wanted to get the last of the politicians in your pocket to further our way to the top?” I ask.

“I was, but…” Han mumbles, running a hand through his hair.

“No, let me speak.” I glare at him, and he closes his mouth, but not before I catch him rolling his eyes. “She might be collateral damage, but I protect what’s mine, and if any of you fuckers come for her, that’s it, I’m cashing out.”

“We weren’t insinuating, your feelings are…” Chris says. “We have never seen you like this. You’ve never cared about a woman, why is she so different?”

“I don’t fucking know, maybe because this time it’s different, I know it. This feels different,” I tell them, looking everyone dead in the eye. The corner of my mouth hikes up as far as my scars let it. “Give me the green light and I’ll do it myself. What do you say?” I ask, standing and placing my palms on the table. “And I promise I won’t paint the walls red this time.” I grin.



Cat jumps on the bed and rubs his little head against my elbow. “Hey, Cat, what do you say, wanna explore?” Fuck the scary mafia guy, I think as the cat jumps from the bed with a loud “meow”. I walk to a dresser and open one drawer, spotting his black boxershorts. I grab one and put it on. I’m not going to explore his apartment with my ass hanging out, the man probably has security cameras everywhere. I walk up the stairs and open a door, which leads to another bathroom, this one a little messier, like this is the level where he spends most of his time. “How big is this apartment?” I ask Cat, as he hops down the hall and stops at a closed door. “Shall we open it?” A loud “meow” is his response.

“Okay, you said it was fine,” I tell him before opening the door. And I instantly know this is the room he didn’t want me to enter. There isn’t really anything that screams him. Everything is white again, with only a modern dresser standing against the opposite wall. I laugh, this is crazy. I scan the room. What now? I open a nondescript door and lights flash on. Holy shit, the man has a whole walk-in closet. The only color I see is black, and as I run my fingers over his dark suits, I smile. “Does he wear anything else?” I ask Cat, who followed me in. I spy a couple of tiny drawers and open one. I hear a click and a false partition moves to the right, revealing a whole wall filled with different kinds of guns. Shit, how the hell do I close it? I panic, opening each drawer in the process.
