Page 6 of Faker

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He nods and winks at me, and I flip him off in response. “Oh yeah, and, Summer?” he asks, calling me by my nickname. I hate the name, I’m the least sunny personality of the six of us, but somehow it stuck. Probably because I stabbed a kid with a yellow pencil when I was five when he was teasing Han, my best friend, and one of the six ruling the underground here in Seoul.

“Yeah?” I ask, opening my door.

“Try not to kill her with your asshole personality.”

I grumble under my breath as I get in the car. I don’t want to look at her, but I do out of the corner of my eye as I turn onto the road. She is so tiny sitting next to me. I stifle a laugh which I turn into a cough. She’s about my height, usually I hate it, but with her it makes sense. I press the call button and one of my guys answers after the first ring.

“Tell him your address,” I growl.

“Why?” she whispers, not daring to look at me.

“For your shit,” I bark out and stare her down, and her eyes flash back to the road. She tells him where she lives anyway. I mean, I already know, but I want to see her squirm.

“Oh, and whatever you do, don’t look at her clothes,” I order him.

“Yes, Sir,” he answers, and I see her rolling her eyes. She’s going to pay for her sassiness later when I fuck it out of her. I grab the steering wheel tighter. Hold up, does she know Korean? “Oh, and her underwear is off limits too.”

“Yes, Sir,” he repeats, and I end the call.

I watch her as she wipes her hands on her legs and shakes her head to peer out of the car window. Fuck, does she know a little Korean? I figure she’s doing it on purpose. Well, baby, two can play this game.

“Where are we going?” she asks, not looking at me. My place is across the water. Behind a big fucking gate so she can’t escape. I run a hand through my hair before I take a right and drive up to my house in one of the richest areas of Seoul. She sits up a little when we stop in front of the gate. The security guard bows, although he can’t see me with the blacked-out windows. The awkward feeling washes over me again. I don’t want to hurt this girl as I park the car—well, on some level I do, but only if she’s screaming my name while I’m doing it to her.

“We’re here,” I mumble, exiting the car and waiting for her to do the same.

Her black hair blows back when the wind picks up, and she hugs herself, shivering a little. I open the trunk and get her bag and leather jacket, minus her phone. She’s getting that back later, but first, we have to set some ground rules. I brush passed her and she follows me, stomping her feet with each step she takes, while I hand her the jacket that she puts on without thanking me.

“I’m on the seventh floor,” I tell her, opening the door to the building. Not many people live here, and everyone keeps to themselves, that’s why I like it, and the view of the river is one of the best in the city.

She follows me into the elevator without saying anything. Fuck, why do I want her to bite my head off? I want her to fight me. Will she do it during sex? Will she scream and beg me to stop? I hate the silent treatment. “Here is your stuff,” I tell her, handing her her bag and purse, which she clutches to her body like that’s going to protect her.

“Thank you,” she whispers, and shivers again, fighting against her tears. As our fingers skim, my dick gets the memo, and it takes the last of my restraint not to adjust myself or throw her against the wall and rip the clothes from her body. I try to drown out the beating of my heart and the way her scent reaches my nose. I want to press her against the mirror and see if her breathing changes like it did when I pushed her against the wall before. My dick twitches in my slacks, and I swear. The elevator opens and I bolt out of there. I don’t wait to see if she’s behind me when I press the security code on my door, but I can sense her watching me.

“You can go in,” I order.

She brushes past me and I love the scared look in her eyes while I get a whiff of her hair, she even smells good. I’ve been on edge ever since she walked into my joint, and now I feel like I can finally breathe. She takes off her shoes, and I smile when her toes curl, trying to hide her socks with cute cats on them. I do the same and watch as she takes a couple of tentative steps into my apartment.

“Go,” I grunt, going in front, motioning to the closed doors in the hallway, explaining to her that’s the guest bathroom, and my office at the end, which is off limits. “And through there,” I say, pointing to another hallway. “And up the stairs is my room and the bathroom, and this,” I tell her, walking into the first level. “Is the living room.” I have more levels in this place and I can’t wait for her to see them all. I swallow hard. Why do I want her to see my place? I don’t let people into my private areas.

She stops near the windows overlooking the road, and in the distance the river. “And that’s the kitchen, and through there is a patio where you can sit outside under the trees.”

Her eyes land on mine, and damn my hands start to sweat. Why do I feel like I have to explain this empty million-model-home with nothing in it? I don’t know if I have anything in the refrigerator for her to eat. What do women want anyway?

“It’s beautiful,” she says, her voice a little shy but strong. Damn, I have a feeling this woman is going to give me a run for my money.

“You want anything to drink?” I ask, turning around, not waiting for her to answer me. I grab a bottle of soju from the fridge and down half. Shit, I have to order some food for her. I’ve never had anyone stay over, what the hell does she need?

“Oh my god,” she yells.

I reach for the gun strapped under my armpit and stomp into the living room. “Are you okay?” I ask, hating that worry shines through my voice.

She turns around from looking outside, and she has my fucking cat in her arms. The bastard only likes me, at least I thought he did.

“You didn’t tell me you have a cat,” she says, all excited.

I let go of my gun and nod, straightening my jacket and swallowing hard while I run an awkward hand through my hair. The red cat is my only weakness. I got it from the pound after they were going to put him down. He’s missing a leg and an eye, he reminded me of how I almost lost my eye in a fight with Chris, the oldest of the six of us, when we couldn’t stand each other.

“He’s cute.” She smiles, and fuck me, the way she does it lights up her whole face. Making her more beautiful than she already is. When her eyes land on me, the corners of her mouth turn down and the empty feeling locks into my heart again.

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