Page 2 of Kissed By an Alien

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Trudging up the steps, she bumped her hip against the crash bar and the door swung open, letting in the bright light of the library. Mere blinked, clearing the dust and waiting for her eyes to adjust. Her perfectly balanced pile tilted alarmingly, but she righted it before creating a scene. She carefully walked over to the table where Anders sat and plonked the stack in front of him.

“There’s council minutes and blueprints if you want them.”

He shook his head. “No. At least, not yet.”

“What are you looking for?”

“Not sure, but I doubt it has anything to do with buildings. And minutes are too boring.”

She chuckled, and he graced her with another smile that made his eyes twinkle. Like, really twinkle. It would be eerie if it wasn’t so beautiful. Almost how a cat’s caught the light in a dim room.

“Oh, there was a box of photographs. I couldn’t balance it with everything else, but I don’t mind getting it if you want.”

“That is very kind of you. I’d appreciate it.”

“Be right back.”

She walked across the library floor. Mrs. Murillo watched her, as did the young moms, and one dad, sitting with their toddlers in story time. The green blanket of jealousy weighed lightly upon her. They had nothing to be jealous about. She hardly knew the man.

Mere returned quickly with the box, and after yet another of his heart-shattering smiles, she resumed her regular duties. At 4:45, the alarm on her phone went off. Dee got ready for the pre-closing rush and Mere made the rounds, making sure the patrons knew they had only a few more minutes.

Anders stacked his pile neatly, as usual. “Do you need some help returning these?”

“Oh no, sorry. Employees only. It’s no big deal.”

“Well, thank you again. I’ll see you soon.”

Her heart did a strange pitty-pat at the thought of seeing him again.

Dee finished checking out the last patron, and Mere locked the door behind him as he left.

“I saw you making googly eyes at that excellent specimen of mankind.” Dee waggled her eyebrows.

“I was not making googly eyes. I don’t flirt.”

“You should. Especially since you’re the only person I’ve ever seen him smile at.”

“No.” She couldn’t be. Anders was polite. Surely that wasn’t true.

“Just calling it like I see it. Need some help with those?”

Mere gathered the archive material. “No, I got it. Your husband should be home today, right?”

He worked in the big city a couple hours away. The pay was great, better than he could do in a small town, but it meant spending the week away from his wife. It was only for a bit longer. He would retire in a year or two and be full-time in Strawberry Creek.

“Thanks, Mere.” Dee picked up her purse and lunch sack with a wide smile.

“No worries.”

Dee slipped out, and Mere took the first stack, leaving the box of photos on the table. She put everything back where she found it and returned for the pictures. Then the screwy light downstairs decided the room was empty and went out. She missed the last step and stumbled, spilling the box of photos all over the floor. The light came back on and her only injury was a mildly bruised pride. At least no one had seen her.

She grabbed handfuls of the old photos of people likely long dead, except perhaps for the youngest, and dropped them in the box. One photo caught her eye, and she froze.

A familiar face stared back at her. It was a black-and-white picture, so she couldn’t be certain those eyes were blue, but the hair was dark and the figure was tall and lean. And the smile fit Anders to a T.



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