Page 101 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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I arched my back, silently inviting Kellan to slide his hands up my body and?—

Oh, no.

I pushed through the hazy brain fog, my wide eyes latching onto Crew. “I thought I’d have until tomorrow.” My throaty tone was one I barely recognized.

Crew grimaced as his nostrils flared and his pupils doubled in size. “Sorry, little one. Looks like we’re out of time.”



“Kellan,” Crew’s voice was level and firm, “can you let Hazel go?”

Kellan froze under me, his purr stuttering to an abrupt end, and I let out an unhappy huff. His hands tightened on my waist, and then he was pushing me away enough to slide out from under me.

I grabbed onto his wrists like a lifejacket in a storm, desperate to keep him near.

The war in his eyes was almost my undoing. “Hang on, sugar. I promise you’ll get what you need.”

“Need you,” I argued with a desperate cry.

Kellan looked at Crew, ready to crack. To yank me into his arms and run up the stairs and…

Whimpering, I pressed my thighs together. Another cramp hit me, followed by a dizzying spike of fear that left me gasping. It was going to be like before—I’d have to suffer through my heat alone. In pain, desperate, unable to find relief.

I’d never survive it. Not again.

Frustrated tears scorched the backs of my eyes, a sob ripping from my chest as I realized I would never escape this agony.

All because I was a fucking omega.

Loud snarls filled the space. The table was shoved aside. Plates, cups, and pizza toppled to the floor as it hit the opposite wall with enough force to dent the plaster.

Crew was in front of me in a heartbeat, hauling me to my feet and framing my face in his big hands. “Look at me, omega.”

It wasn’t a bark, but I lifted my eyes like a good little omega.

“We’ll take care of you, I promise,” he vowed. “But we need to get a few things clear before we begin. Can you focus for me, baby?” The calloused pads of his thumbs brushed away my tears.

Sucking in a shaky breath, I nodded. I sifted through the overwhelming omega impulses and stared into his bright blue eyes until I felt less like a shattered mess.

“Such a good omega,” Crew praised, the corner of his mouth hooking up.

Pride swelled in my chest. I’d made him happy.

“Now, I need you to think about what I’m about to ask, and there is no wrong answer.” He paused, waiting for my nod that I was still following. “Do you want all of us in your nest during your heat? Or only some of us?”

“Do you all not want to be with me?” I whispered, agonized at the idea that some of them didn’t want to be with me when all I could think about was all of them.

Kellan pressed against my back, his thick cock hard and digging into my spine. “That’s not even a fucking question, sugar.” His beard rasped against my neck as he licked along the column of my throat.

My gaze snapped to where Rhett had Jude pulled against him, his arms wrapped around the beta’s chest.

Jude’s eyes widened. “Hey, it’s fine if you just want the alphas, Hazel. I get it.” The hurt in his eyes was telling.

With a snarl, I pushed Crew and Kellan away to stomp over to the beta. I jabbed a finger into a rock-hard pec. “I want you just as much as them. You’re my beta.”

Rhett gave a low growl, grabbing my jaw with one firm hand. “Our beta, sweetheart.”
