Page 105 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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And I was here for every glorious inch.

Jude snickered. “Oh, just wait until they’re all naked, Hazel.”

I was pretty sure I had a mini-stroke at that moment, because imagining it was enough to send my hormones into a rampage.

More slick trickled out of me as another cramp gripped my stomach. I whimpered as I wrapped myself around Crew like he could save me. Kellan’s hand pulled away, and I turned to see him licking the tips of his fingers.

My eyes widened as Rhett reached across Crew and I to grab Kellan’s wrist and pull him closer. Together, Jude and Rhett licked the last of my slick from his digits.

“Fuck, sugar,” Kellan groaned, his pupils blown wide.

“Yes, please,” I agreed, nodding like crazy.

Crew hummed. “Tastes as good as she smells, huh?”

“Better,” Rhett assured him, nuzzling Jude’s neck. The sight of them together sent a pulse of want through my center.

Crew climbed off of me, his gaze hooded. “Strip her for me.” He stepped back, jerking his chin for his pack to obey the command.

I reached for my shirt to help, but Crew’s sharp bark cut me off. “Don’t even fucking try it, omega. Stay still and let them show me exactly how perfect our omega is.”

Oh, well, when he put it that way…

Kellan’s hands started tugging on my leggings, practically tearing the fabric away with all the finesse of a bull. Rhett’s hands were infinitely more gentle as he started peeling my top off. Jude sat up by my head, and I grinned up at him upside down.

His mossy green eyes were warm and full of adoration. “I’m not an alpha, Haze.”

“That doesn’t matter to me,” I said, meaning every word.

He smiled and helped Rhett lift me to pull my shirt over my head. He froze, his arms hovering awkwardly in the air. “Your shoulder.”

I stiffened, twisting my neck to see that half the gauze covering my burn was pulled free. “It doesn’t hurt.”

“Because it’s mostly healed,” Rhett rasped, sounding gutted. “Dove, what the fuck? Is this?—”

Kellan snarled and Crew’s hands tightened on me.

“It’s something from the past, and I really don’t want to focus on that,” I gritted out, pushing past the humiliation that I’d been branded like a calf going to the auction block.

Kellan made a choked sound. “Hazel?—”

Jude tugged me back against his chest, twisting so my back was to his front. “Our omega said she’s fine, and we have other things to cover first.” The steely edge in his tone gave me pause.


Jude kissed the top of my head. “Yes. Like if things get too intense, tell me and I’ll stop them. Alphas can be a bit much even when there isn’t an omega in heat driving them extra crazy.”

My eyes narrowed. Did I need to point out that, designation aside, there was one of Jude and three of them.

Crew cleared his throat from the end of the bed. “We all went over this when you were sleeping, Hazel.” His eyes met mine, sincerity piercing through the arousal. “Jude knows how to subdue us if things get to be too much.”

“You did that?” I whispered. I looked at each of them, my heart swelling up like the Grinch’s as they each nodded.

“You’re important, sugar,” Kellan murmured, kissing my bruised knee like it was a precious treasure.

Rhett’s hands feathered across my ribs, his brows pinched together. “Does this hurt?” His campfire scent turned slightly acrid with fury as he took in what was likely another bruise.

I shook my head. “Another mark of a past I plan on forgetting.”
