Page 118 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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The hesitancy in his normally sure voice broke my heart a little, and I turned around to look at him. “Not exactly.”

His hands moved to my shoulders. “Then what, exactly?”

I nibbled on my lower lip. “I spent the last four years in hell.”

He growled, the sound low and ominous, and yet it only made me want to drag him closer.

“Four days ago, I thought I was about to be raped by a monster, and now I’m here and it’s…” God, how did I explain this?

Crew moved away from me, his expression stricken. “Did we… Shit, Hazel. None of us wanted to pressure you. We don’t?—”

“No.” Stepping into him, I lifted to my tiptoes and covered his mouth with my hands. “I don’t think any of you took advantage of me or pressured me. It’s the opposite. All of this, all of you, seem too good to be true. I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

“Hazel.” His eyes slid shut, his face tight like this was some sort of agony.

“I dreamed of being saved from that place, from Donovan, for years. And every day, I woke up, and I was still there. Still trapped.” I shook my head like I could physically dispel the memories.

“You’re never going back there,” he vowed, pulling me into his chest. The rattling purr that rumbled through him sank into my bones, easing the knot of emotions twisted in my chest.

Water fell around us, but I buried my face against Crew’s heavily muscled chest and inhaled the scent that was all him. It was centering, grounding.

“This isn’t a dream, and we didn’t bring you here out of obligation,” he went on. “You’re here because we firmly believe you’re our omega. Hell, it’s why we went up against OS.”

“You can get in trouble if they find out it isn’t true, right?” I looked up at him, worried for them.

Crew moved us out of the direct overhead spray and to the bench, where he sat down and pulled me along until I was straddling him. My hot center brushed the iron length of his cock, and we both hissed at the contact.

He exhaled a shaky breath, like he was trying to get ahold of himself. “If they find out, yes. But who is going to contradict our story?”

“But you didn’t know I was an omega then,” I pointed out.

“The only people who can confirm that are from that bullshit Alpha Alliance cult, and I don’t see them popping into OS to tell them that.” He snorted. “We stick to our story—you started to present right before you were taken, and I asked you to wait for me since you were so much younger.”

“Not that much younger,” I grumbled.

He laughed, the sound echoing off the walls. “Maybe not now, but when I was twenty and you were prancing around in that little green bikini at sixteen, I sure as shit felt like a perv.”

My mouth dropped open. “No way.”

He shot me a wry grin. “Fuck, Hazel, you have no idea how many times I jerked off to that image in the shower.”

“I had no idea.”

“That I was having inappropriate thoughts about my little sister’s best friend?” He rolled his eyes. “Yeah.”

“I had the biggest crush on you,” I admitted.

His brows lifted in surprise. “You did?”

“Oh, please.” I slapped his chest lightly. “All of Calla’s friends had a thing for you. And if not you, then for Jameson.”

Crew snarled a little at the mention of his younger brother. “You had a thing for my brother?”

“No,” I replied, winding my arms around his neck. My nipples tightened as they brushed against him. “I had a thing for a broody guy who was always working on cars.”

His smile was dazzling. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” My tone dropped into a husky register that only these guys seemed to bring out in me. “Who knew forearms could be such a turn-on?”
