Page 125 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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Elizabeth winced. “Yes. Joel can file all the appropriate paperwork to have our pack instated as your guardians, but, like when you were a teenager, the courts may not side with us. I hope you know we won’t put any pressure or limitations on you, Hazel.”

“But,” Calla countered, “the bigger issue is that you’re a young, unbonded omega. Omega Services will be pushing hard for you to get packed up. Trust me—I know exactly how pushy they can get.”

My eyes narrowed. “I’m actually kind of surprised you don’t have a pack. I mean, you used to tell me it was all you wanted.”

Storm clouds gathered in her eyes as she dropped her gaze. “I had a pack. It didn’t work out. Luckily my parents stepped in. Technically, they’re supposed to be finding me a suitable pack to settle down with.”

“Which we absolutely will when Calla decides the time is right,” Elizabeth replied, wrapping an arm around her daughter’s shoulders. She gave her a soft, proud smile that Calla reluctantly returned.

Elizabeth turned to me. “We can try to do the same for you, but it’s harder since you’re not our daughter. Not by blood, anyway. With your parents gone, OS will likely step in unless…”

“Unless Crew and the guys are willing to keep lying and saying I’m their omega,” I muttered unhappily. My entire future hinged on their willingness to keep me around, and that was more than a little terrifying.

Had the last few days with them been great? Absolutely.

But that was only a few days. What if next week, they realized they hated me? Or found an omega that was a better scent match? One that wasn’t as complicated or problematic as I was?

Elizabeth untangled herself from Calla and jumped up. “Hazel, honey, calm down.”

A pathetic whine crawled out of my throat, and I burrowed deeper into the blanket. The acrid stench of my fear swirled in the room. My hands started to tremble as my vision tunneled.

“Shit,” Calla muttered, diving forward and grabbing my mug before I could spill it all over myself.

Elizabeth sat in front of me. “Sweetie, listen to me, okay? Take deep breaths. In… good. And out. Perfect.”

My gaze latched on hers as I tried to mimic her breathing pattern, but I was pretty sure my heart was trying to burst out of my chest. What was the point of being saved from Donovan and the APA if the government was going to fuck me over just as much?

It took several minutes for me to calm the racing of my heart, and the whole time all I wanted was for one of the guys to walk through the door, pick me up, and cuddle me into a coma. Maybe all of them. No, definitely all of them.

“Can you get Jude?” I whispered, my voice cracking at the end. “I want my—I want Jude.”

Elizabeth stood swiftly. “Of course. Calla, stay with her.”

Calla shifted, balancing on her knees as Elizabeth swept out of the room. “We didn’t mean to upset you, Haze.”

“I know,” I managed.

Calla exhaled a breath. “Look, I know this is all so new to you, but ninety percent of being an omega is intuition. Do you trust Crew and his pack?”


The response my brain gave was instantaneous. Zero hesitation.

Calla smiled a little. “Okay, so you have that out of the way. Hazel, I know my brother. Hell, so do you. He’s a good guy, and his pack is amazing. I also know that I’ve never seen them act like this. At the hospital, they were losing their shit. Crew and Kellan were both close to feral when the doctors tried to separate you.”

I nodded, but it didn’t stop the fear from whispering insidious thoughts in my head. “I’m a mess, Calla. What if they realize I’m not worth it?”

Her gaze turned fierce. “Then I’ll kick all their asses. But, girl, trust me—they’re already there. They know you’re worth it. I’m not saying everything will be easy, but having the love, trust, and respect of your pack is what matters most. And you have that.”

The bitter tinge to her words pulled me up.

“You didn’t have that?” I asked, tilting my head.

She blinked. “It’s complicated. I promise one day I’ll tell you the whole thing, but right now, let’s focus on your happy ending.”

The sound of the front door opening came with Jude’s worried voice as he called for me.

Calla squeezed my hands. “Forget rational and logical, because those things sometimes go out the window when you’re an omega. Do you want this pack, Hazel?”
