Page 142 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“She doesn’t need to be examined,” Rhett retorted. “We told you that we respected the ‘no-bite’ order.”

Carson cracked his neck. “And we don’t necessarily believe you Pack Dutton boys would start following the rules now, so the doc has to examine every fucking inch of that omega’s skin.”

I inhaled sharply and braced my hand on the wood siding of the house.

Carson grinned at my obvious distress. “So, the doc can either take her inside, or she can strip here.”

With a snarl, Crew lunged forward and was barely caught by Rhett in time. Although, Rhett seemed inclined to let Crew bulldoze his way through the disgusting alpha.

But if they started fighting, Kellan would probably hear it all and come down to see what was going on.

And Kellan could absolutely not be involved. He was too close to tipping into feral territory, and we’d all be in a mess if he killed Agent Carson.

Lifting my chin and shoving down my unease, I looked at the doctor. “Come inside. You can check me out and then go.”

Looking relieved, the doctor hurried up the stairs to meet me.

Crew whirled, desperate fury crackling like lightning in his irises. “Baby, you don’t have to do this.”

“I’ll be fine. Just give us five minutes, okay?” I emphasized the time so they both knew if we weren’t back in five minutes to come looking.

I didn’t think Dr. Berthand was going to do anything weird or nefarious, but I also had learned that trust shouldn’t be blindly given.

Turning on my heel, I sent up a silent prayer that Jude kept Kellan calm and Rhett was able to control Crew. I led the doctor toward the room designated as Crew’s office and then partially closed the door.

Spinning on my heel, I arched a brow at the doctor.

He gave me a tired smile. “I do apologize for all this, Miss Jones.”

“You can call me Hazel,” I replied, folding my arms.

“Hazel. Very good.” He set his bag on Crew’s desk and withdrew a tablet. “Now, before we begin, I must ask: are you safe here?”

“Of course I am,” I answered, shooting him a ‘what the fuck’ look.

He nodded, but kept pushing. “And you don’t fear for your safety? Or that you’re being abused or mistreated?”

I blinked at him. “Are you talking about my pack or the two assholes you drove in here with?”

His smile was faint. “Fair point.” He shot me a slightly guilty look. “I do need you to undress for a quick exam to ensure that you weren’t bitten during your heat. It has concluded, yes?”

I nodded, a ball of ice lodging in the pit of my stomach. I forced my leaden arms to move, stripping off my shirt.

“Any issues?” he asked, respectfully keeping his eyes on mine as I moved to shove my pants and underwear over my hips.

“I don’t think so,” I muttered, fighting the urge to cover myself with my hands.

His gaze swept down the length of me, lingering on the bruise at my neck. “That looks fresh.”

“It is, and completely consensual without breaking the OS dictate,” I retorted.

His pale cheeks tinged pink. “Uh, yes. Of course. Please turn around.”

I slowly spun to face the wall of bookcases, not surprised when I spotted several shelves of classics. Crew had always had a thing for them and was rarely without a beat up paperback he’d saved from a secondhand bookstore.

“That’s sufficient,” Dr. Berthand said softly. “You may get dressed.”

I scrambled to pull on my clothes, moving so fast I almost punched myself in the jaw trying to wrestle the shirt over my head.
