Page 161 of Pack Dutton: Part One

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“We both know I hate Martin,” he stated, trying to brush off the importance of what he’d done. “Pissing him off is the highlight of my life.”

“Still, thank you. Without your support, things might’ve gone down a lot differently. We could’ve lost Jude, and Hazel… Fuck, when I think about what happened to her and what Ellis would’ve done if we’d been there five minutes later…” A shudder tumbled down my spine, rocking my entire world. That thought fucking haunted me.

“Hey.” Oakley dragged my attention back to the present. “Pack Stone will always have your back, and that pledge absolutely extends to your omega. Hell, to all omegas.”

“Actually, that reminds me that I wanted to talk to you about something,” I started. “With everything that happened, Martin’s made it obvious they’re going to push Jude out of our team. We think it’s time our pack left the bureau.”

Oakley straightened. “You’re serious.”

I nodded. “Yeah. What are we going to do, stay there without Jude? No way our pack will get any kind of promotions, so we’ll be stuck in Billings until we’re dead or retired. And Montana’s becoming more and more politically aligned with Washington. Which will make it hard to accept whoever Martin assigns to our team in Jude’s place.”

“So, what’s your plan?” He seemed genuinely curious.

“My dad’s been trying to get me to come work in the private sector in California. Omega rights have more weight on the West Coast, and it’s where Hazel grew up. It’s familiar. Plus my parents and Calla are there, and the money is a fuck of a lot better with a lot less risk,” I explained.

“Makes sense. We’ll miss you.” Oakley extended a hand.

I took it and held on. “I want you to come with me.”

He blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Look, man, there’s plenty of work to be done for everyone. My mom has poured her heart and soul into an omega protection agency. A place that gives omegas in dangerous or bad situations a safe haven. They could use better security, and I want you with us.” I let him go and waited for the answer.

“Shit, man. That’s… wow. I mean, I’d have to talk to the pack, but honestly? We’ve been discussing leaving, too. It’s too fucking hard to do the job we signed up for when we’re constantly crippled by idiots in D.C.” He grimaced and wagged his head slightly. “We got into this job to help people, but it seems like all we do is push an agenda none of us signed up for or agree with.”

“Talk to the guys,” I said, knowing in my gut that having Oakley’s pack on this project was the way to go. “Hopefully we can make it work.”

My phone vibrated in my pants, and I quickly fished it out before scowling at the screen. “Martin.”

“Fuck does he want?” Oak snarled softly.

“We’re about to find out,” I muttered, hitting the accept button. “This is Crew.”

“Agent Dutton, we need your team in the field office immediately.” Martin didn’t waste time on pleasantries.

“Why? We’re on leave?—”

“It’s about the Alpha Preservation Alliance. We’ve had a few breaks in the case and thought your team might want to be in on it. If you don’t…” He trailed off.

“No, sir. We’ll be there.” This was exactly what we needed—lock Donovan Ellis and his psychos up before whisking our girl off into the sunset.

“Agent Dutton, I don’t think I need to remind you that your beta is still on probation and therefore not technically part of your team. I’m sure you understand.” Martin hung up without another word.

“Motherfucker,” I hissed, barely resisting the urge to pummel the drywall with my fists.

“What’s up?” Oak asked.

“Martin said there’s been a break in the APA case. He invited my pack to come to the office, but made it clear that Jude didn’t count.” It was a fucking insult that just further reinforced the need to get out.

“Might be for the best. He can stay here with your omega so she isn’t alone when OS comes,” Oak reminded me.

I slammed my head against the wall. “I forgot about OS.”

Oak raised his brows.

“They were here last night, too, and sent an alpha along that got under my skin. I don’t like the idea of Jude being outnumbered.” I pressed my lips into a hard line.

“I’d offer to stay, but I’m not sure you want any alpha around your girl without you here,” he answered.
