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Morris? Yeah, my money was on Morris being able to knock him out with a single punch. His biceps were the size of my thighs before I’d gone on the commune’s diet of frequent starvation and minimal meals. He might have been a beta, but he was ripped as hell.

“What is going on out there?” The High Alpha’s annoyed voice carried from deep inside the meeting room. “Where is my omega?”

Morris stepped forward, his boots hitting Jared’s as he glared up at the alpha. Jared might’ve had a few inches in height on Morris, but he lacked the power and command Morris’s mere presence demanded.

With a hiss, Jared moved aside to allow us to pass, but I felt his breath hot on my neck as he followed us into the room.

Wooden benches were set up in lines like pews, arranged for the men to have the best seats in the house. Women and children were permitted to stand in the back, when they were allowed into the room at all. The High Alpha’s throne sat atop a raised dais at the front, and to the right were seats for his circle. To the left was an open space where his wives were expected to kneel at his feet, sometimes for hours, as he droned on and on about whatever some bullshit deity had revealed to him.

I hated Miriam, but I’d seen the permanent scars and bruises on her knees from years of kneeling on the rough wood. The other wives looked the same.

Squaring my shoulders, I refused to cower, even as the attention of every alpha shifted to me.

It was a battle, and one I was rapidly losing. The omega side of me hated to see any alpha unhappy. I wanted to get on my knees, to whimper and beg for their compassion—hell, even flip my dress up and present to them to show them I was a good omega.

Biology had made me its bitch when I’d awakened as an omega, leaving me a slave to the whims of men who didn’t give a shit, while making me feel like I constantly needed praise and approval that would never come.

Jared’s heavy footsteps clomped across the space and he took his place in a chair to the right of the High Alpha. Two of the circle members were missing, though.

Lifting cold, cruel eyes, the High Alpha jerked his head for me to come to him. Like a bitch being brought to heel.

I considered refusing, fighting, but until I had eyes on Logan and knew he was safe, I couldn’t risk it. Stiffly, I walked forward until I stood in front of the High Alpha, my hands fisted at my sides.

He lifted a calculating brow, eyeing my hands until I forced my palms to relax. Then he smiled and glanced back at his literal right-hand man—his younger brother, Hayden. “See? I told you she can be trained. She will be the crown jewel of my wives.”

I dropped my gaze to the floor and started counting knots in the wooden planks. I needed a distraction before I screamed, but it meant I was caught off guard when the High Alpha reached for me and yanked me forward. I tumbled into his lap with a yelp, trying to push off even as his hands clamped around my waist. His teeth lightly nipped at the back of my neck, not enough to break the skin, but enough to send a bolt of fear crashing through my nerves.

The High Alpha had promised he would breed and mate me publicly our first time so the entire group could witness our union. Then he would bite me, claim me, and bind us together until one of us died.

A chilling frost turned the ice in my veins to slush, my thoughts slowing as I realized I would do it.

I would kill myself before I was bound to this man.

Before I let him violate and knot me, force me to bear his children, and then watch as they were raised in his image, I would end my life along with his plans.

He mistook the way I quieted for compliance, petting a hand down my back with a rough purr that set my teeth on edge. “There’s my good omega,” he crooned.

The only thing I planned on being was his worst nightmare.

The High Alpha’s hand stilled on my back and he leaned forward, sniffing my neck. A second later, a growl ripped through the room and I was shoved aside.

With a cry, I landed on my hands and knees in front of the throne, my head snapping up in time to see him grab Morris’s shirt and lift him off the ground.

The High Alpha was an older alpha, but wasn’t lazy like Jared or some of the others. No, he kept in shape by torturing and hurting others for imagined slights and violated rules.

And right now, he was clearly pissed at Morris.

“I can smell your beta stench on my mate,” the High Alpha hissed, spittle flying.

To his credit, Morris didn’t flinch. “You asked me to collect her, High Alpha. To bring her to you. And yes, my scent may have transferred to her when I stopped one of your circle from touching her.”

That made the High Alpha still, his head turning to side-eye his council over his shoulder. “Who?”

No one spoke until Jared cleared his throat and leaned forward. “I was simply trying to bring her to you faster, sir, when the beta failed to complete his task quickly. I know how you have been waiting for her.”

A muscle ticked in the High Alphas jaw and he looked to me a second before releasing Morris, who landed easily on his feet. The High Alpha walked over to me, towering above me as his gaze fixed on where my dress had rucked up my thighs.

“I suppose I can’t blame my omega for being so tempting, can I?” He turned back to his circle with a grin. “She tastes divine, by the way. I’ll admit I faltered on my path and had to have a single taste. Perhaps in her next heat, I’ll bottle some of her slick for you to try yourselves. To reward your loyalty.”
