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When another team from the FBI had gotten word of omegas being illegally trafficked across the Canadian border, they’d left New York and set up base in Montana. While that case was still ongoing, they’d also stumbled across a bullshit cult that was dealing in military grade weapons. We’d been pulled in to deal with that case, our teams working together when necessary.

As the only beta on a team of alphas, I was the only one who could be brought into the cult. It had taken months for me to work my way into the APA inner circle of beta guards, but when I’d seen a stunning omega being kept prisoner and found out she was going to be their radical leader’s new bride, I’d almost blown the case.

Yeah, Hazel’s pull had been that strong on me.

I’d been in some shitty, desperate situations in my career with the FBI, but that tiny slip of an omega had me ready to decimate the career I’d spent years building.

Crew had convinced me to stay on, keeping an eye on her since she wasn’t in immediate danger. There were rumblings of a nuclear device or dirty bomb in the early stages of being moved from Calgary, and potential nuclear attacks ranked higher than the needs of a single omega.

It made me sick to know that while I’d been trying to impress the APA High Alpha and his loyal followers, Hazel had been kept hidden under lock and key, abused and terrorized while I did fucking drills with brainwashed betas who believed an alpha designation was superior to all else.

Being invited to the upper tier of beta guards meant the High Alpha trusted us with things like supply runs and overseeing Hazel’s captivity. In the two weeks since I’d seen her, I’d been trying to figure a way to get her the fuck out of the compound while still trying to do the job I’d been sent in to do.

Today changed everything. No way in hell was I letting that monster defile her again. Not when I could—and would—stop it.

But I’d need my pack to help. They had to help.

“Fucking hell,” Rhett, the last member of our team and pack, chimed in. The rough edge of his English accent thickened as he swore.

Crew was silent for a long time. “She isn’t the mission, Jude. The director will never approve us giving up the case for the life of one omega. Or two, if you count the boy.”

My spine went stiff because yes, I fucking counted Logan. Just because this country, and most of the world, viewed male omegas as useless didn’t mean they weren’t people with actual emotions. “Are you fucking?—”

“Enough,” Crew snapped, his alpha bark silencing me even miles away through a phone.

I rubbed the bite mark on my neck, almost regretting the night I’d let him make me part of the pack. My lips pressed together in a hard line as I snarled inwardly. I’d never known Crew to abandon an omega. Hell, his baby sister was an omega, and I knew for a motherfucking fact he never would have let her suffer for even a single day.

Crew was a good man who was put in an untenable situation. He’d sworn an oath to protect his country, and blowing up our mission might be saving two omegas while costing the world dozens, or even hundreds, more if there really was a rogue nuke out there.

“Crew,” Kellan tried.

“This isn’t up for debate,” Crew retorted. “Unless you’re challenging me to be the leader of this pack?”

Part of me wanted to challenge him, but it was useless. I was big for a beta, but I’d seen Crew in action. The guy was a living, breathing weapon and would have me on my back in five seconds flat, and not in the good way.

“Of course we aren’t,” Rhett said, his tone soft and calming. The same tone he used when I went off the rails or Kellan did something stupid.

“Good,” Crew said with zero inflection. “What time is their ceremony?”

I looked at my watch. “Five hours, give or take a few minutes.” That didn’t give me much time to come up with a plan b.

“That gives us less than three hours to get everyone mobilized,” he muttered, and I could imagine him running a hand through his short blond hair the way he did when he started to hyper-focus on a plan.

“Mobilized?” I repeated, not sure I’d heard him right.

“Rhett, call Oak’s team. We’ll need them. Has anything changed in the perimeter?”

It took me a second to realize he was asking me. “No. In fact, he’ll probably pull the guards on the wall to watch him…” I couldn’t say it. Bile rose in my mouth.

“Sunset’s at six fifty-two,” Crew murmured. “We’ll hit then. Can you get the omegas isolated to safety?”

“Probably not,” I admitted.

“Fuck it,” Crew muttered. “We’ll have to go in hard and fast. Jude, do what you can to protect the omegas inside until we can get to you. Hopefully in the chaos, they’ll be too busy shooting at us to notice them.”

Kellan laughed, the sound dark and ominous. “What happened to the director never agreeing to this?”

Crew snorted. “Fuck that pompous asshole. I never said I was asking for his permission, only that he’d never give it. We’ll save your omega, Jude.”
