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“What did you say?” His brittle tone was matched by the heady scent of mildew and moss. It turned acrid as his mood shifted, the scent potent enough to make some of the Shepherds pause mid-fuck.

I clamped my lips together. Apologizing was useless. I knew that. He’d be just as pissed off at my attempts at trying to calm him down. Sometimes more so. I’d learned that over the years as my omega surfaced more and more.

There was a bone-deep need to please an upset alpha. Any upset, irate, or furious alpha. It was like laying on a bed of nails. My skin ached and crawled, my stomach twisted into tangles knowing things were wrong.

I’d made the mistake before of trying to apologize or offer comfort, it didn't end well.

Silence was my only option.

“I have been too easy on you, omega,” he went on, his hands going to my hips and easing me off his lap until I was standing. “Shepherd Hayden told me I was being too gentle with you. That your omega nature demanded I provide more structure.”

My gaze instantly went to Shepherd Hayden, the one who had been raping the tiny woman who hadn’t drank enough blue lotus tea. He was sadistic, cruel, and the High Alpha’s younger brother.

“I shall give you exactly what you need,” the High Alpha told me, standing and turning to face me. His expression hardened. “Get on the dais.”

I turned and looked at the stone table behind me, a sense of dread turning my blood into ice. My breaths came in rapid pants as I took a step away from the raised platform it sat on.

Nothing good ever happened on the dais. It was stained with blood from people who had been tied to it and whipped. Most recently, the blood of a beta woman who had allegedly had an affair with another beta. An affair with no proof other than her abusive husband saying he was certain she had defiled herself with another. She had been tied down and repeatedly assaulted by the Shepherds to teach her a lesson. Disobedient children were sometimes chained to it without food or water so they learned to obey their parents.

The High Alpha lunged forward, grabbing me by the throat and squeezing. “Get on the dais now, omega.” He infused the words with an alpha bark, and I scrambled away from him. I was up on the stone table before my body fully knew what it was doing.

An alpha bark was just another way being an omega sucked. They barked and we had to obey. I wasn’t sure what part of an omega brain had been hardwired to instantly react to an alpha’s bark, but there was no fighting it.

I sat on the edge of the table, my body barely complying with the order as I trembled from head to toe.

The High Alpha moved closer. “Lay down.” Another bark and my back was flat on the table.

“Do not move.” No bark this time, but I knew better than to even blink.

The High Alpha motioned toward the Shepherds, and I heard them rising to move forward.

I closed my eyes, sure this was it. For all the High Alpha’s decrees that my virgin body remain untouched for him, I knew this was when they’d rape me.

“Lift your arms,” the High Alpha said, his tone softer now, almost conversational.

My arms shook violently as I stretched them up over my head. I’d no sooner laced my fingers together than someone grabbed my wrists and slammed them onto the stone. My back arched as my shoulders screamed in protest, but I bit the inside of my cheek until I tasted blood rather than cry out.

Cold chains wrapped around my wrists, anchoring me to the slab.

Two sets of hands grabbed my ankles and wrenched my legs apart. Chains once again immobilized me. Cool air hit my bare pussy lips, and I shut my eyes as tears started to fall again.

Not like this. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.

“Bring me the device,” the High Alpha ordered.

Wait. Device?

I could hear someone moving away. Several long minutes of silence passed, the quiet only making my panic coil tighter. Each second was a lifetime of agony. I tried to retreat into my mind, letting myself go back to a place that only existed in my dreams.

The place where my parents were alive and my best friend lived next door. Calla and I were born weeks apart and were inseparable. She’d grown up with a big pack for a family. Her mom was an omega with three mates, and she’d had three sons—all alphas—before Calla, her only daughter, was born. Calla was an omega.

Probably mated off to her own pack now.

Calla’d had the life every omega wanted; a loving family full of support and loyalty. Her three alpha fathers adored their omega wife and daughter. Growing up next door to the Dutton family had been perfect.

Our families had always been super close, and losing them had been almost as bad as losing my parents. They’d tried everything to get Uncle Henry to give them custody of me, but he’d adamantly refused.

Now I knew it was because he’d given all my family’s money to the APA. He was one of their Elite betas, an upper tier that policed the rest of the beta population and seemed to firmly believe alphas were the superior race. All of the betas here treated the alphas—the High Alpha and Shepherds—like they were gods. They believed society had forgotten the true hierarchy of social order, and it needed to be restored for the world to find peace.
