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I considered her words for a moment before nodding, a little hesitant, but willing to concede they needed to treat me. A third nurse drew a curtain closed around the bed, shutting the doctor out on the other side. With the most gentle hands, they removed the shirt and tucked me into a soft gown before pressing the shirt back into my hands. I balled it up and clutched it to my chest, inhaling the familiar scent.

“There you go,” the first nurse assured me, rubbing the side of my arm with a warm smile.

“Think you can tell us your name?” The third nurse stood at the foot of my bed with a tablet in hand.

I frowned, my brain still a little off. “Hazel. Hazel Jones.”

She gave me a warm smile, typing my name onto the screen. “Date of birth?”

I answered, also giving her my limited medical history, but when she got to the question about my last heat cycle, I froze. Panic speared through my chest.

“Easy,” the first nurse encouraged as the second appeared at the other side of my bed.

“We can ask Dr. Labine to prescribe a stronger?—”

I tensed and shook my head. No, I needed to be awake and aware of what was happening.

“I think we can hold off on that, June,” the first nurse spoke with authority, clearly the one in charge. She looked down at me. “Let’s start this again, Hazel. My name is Isla Warren. I’ve been a nurse here at Bluestone Hospital for almost a decade. To your right is June, also a nurse, and way down there is your third nurse, Annie.”

“Hi,” I whispered, still uncertain.

Isla’s gaze held mine. “Hazel, are you aware that you’re in a hospital?”

I gave a tentative nod. “Smells weird. Hospital-y.”

Her lips softened into a pretty smile. “It’s the cleaning solutions and scent blockers the hospital has installed in the vents. We can’t have rogue alphas running unchecked through the halls trying to chase an omega’s scent.”

Something on my face must’ve shown my fear or confusion because Isla quickly added, “Don’t worry, Hazel. You’re on the omega floor. We have the highest security here, and all the doctors and nurses are betas. You’re safe.”

Did that mean Kellan couldn’t get up here? My chest ached. Anywhere Kellan couldn’t get to didn’t feel safe to me.

“Dr. Labine?” Isla lifted her voice slightly to call for the man still waiting outside the curtain. He stepped back into the space, and Isla gave him a nod. “This is Hazel Jones.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Miss Jones.” Dr. Labine stood near Annie, and I took a moment to really take him in. He was medium height and build with thinning gray hair and glasses that made his blue eyes look rounded, but it was his unassuming light grassy beta scent that let me relax.

“Hazel,” I corrected him.

He gave me a soft smile. “Hazel it is. Tell me, Hazel, is there anything I need to be aware of? Any current pain or injuries? Past injuries?”

I scrambled to form a thought. “Um, my arm.” I lifted it a bit, wincing at the pull on my skin. “I think I was shot. It all happened so fast. Do you know if Morris is okay?”

“Morris?” he repeated, frowning.

Wait. That wasn’t his name, was it? “Jude. I think his name is Jude?”

His head tilted to the side. “Are you having difficulty recalling names and facts?”

“No,” I replied quickly, shaking my head. “I thought he was someone that he wasn’t. I think they mentioned he was undercover?”

“Ah. Well, I’m unsure about his condition, but I’m sure he’s being treated by the best. Let’s focus on you, shall we?” He took the tablet from Annie and resumed the questions. “Do you know the date of your last heat?”

Unease twisted in my belly as I remembered. “It ended yesterday.”

His brows shot up in surprise. “Yesterday?” His gaze flicked to Isla. “We need to run a full lab panel, make sure they include a pregnancy test.”

“Wait—no,” I stammered. “I can't be pregnant.”

He gave me a worried sort of smile. “Don’t worry, Hazel. Omegas have elevated hormone levels during pregnancy that can be detected within twelve hours of the end of a heat cycle.”
