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I wanted that.

Wrapped around me, under me, over me, in me.

My hands started to fidget, pushing the sheets and blanket around as I desperately tried to make a spot worthy of him.

Shit. Was this nesting?

Some small part of my brain realized how insane I had to look—my body probably redder than my hair, which was likely a freaking mess, as I shoved white sheets around an oddly shaped bed with rails that looked like it was designed for an oversized toddler. Oh, and that wasn’t to mention the fashion statement of my open-backed hospital gown.

“Excuse me,” Dr. Labine spluttered. “This floor is an omega floor, sir. You’ll need to leave unless you have a pack or family pass.”

“Move,” the low, growly voice rasped. It was like liquid smoke and molten honey had saturated his vocal chords.

And, yup.

With a gush of slick between my legs, my ovaries went boom.

I was seconds away from stripping off the sweat-soaked gown, spinning around, and sticking my ass out for his approval.

Hold up.

Why was I ready to plant myself on all fours like a damn dog and wiggle my ass at him? What kind of animalistic omega urge was that? I needed a damn manual. Or classes. Was it too late for those omega courses?

“Sir—” Dr. Labine tried again, but he was quickly moved aside by a large, insanely muscled arm.

Damn, I wanted to lick that arm. From wrist to shoulder. I could see a network of veins roped over muscle, and I couldn’t decide which one I wanted to trace with my tongue first. The dark shadow of a tattoo worked in perfect union with the rippling skin.

“Nurse, call security,” Dr. Labine snapped, flushing as he tried to insert himself between me and the alpha again.

It was a ballsy move, I’d give him that. Even I knew enough to recognize that this beta doctor was no match for my alpha.

Wait—shit. Not my alpha.

“Consider me fucking security,” the alpha snapped, still cloaked in shadows thanks to the darkened room. Something gold flashed in a thin stream of light coming from between the blinds pulled down over the window. “FBI. Pretty sure I outrank your rent-a-cops.”

Isla pressed herself against the far wall, looking torn between running to me and running from the room.

At least she didn’t look ready to run for my alpha, which was good. She seemed really nice. I didn’t want to rip her throat out if I could help it.

I was weak, exhausted, and drained… but I would find the strength to throw this sweet woman out a window if she so much as breathed in my alpha’s direction.

“I don’t care if you’re the President,” Dr. Labine hissed. “You have no right to be here.”

“Yeah, I don’t have time for this, and you’re in my way,” the alpha retorted, sounding almost bored with Dr. Labine’s attempts at asserting himself.

Somehow, that made him even more sexy.

I pressed my thighs together, still shoving fabric around. The only thing that felt right was the shirt that Kellan had given me. I added it to the top of the pile like a cherry on a shit sundae.

No, this was all wrong. The room, the nest… Tears leaked out of my eyes as I realized I wasn’t good enough for this alpha. He would reject me, and I’d be all alone.

My emotions whiplashed from horny to heartbroken in two seconds flat. That had to be some kind of record. I barely managed to freeze a sob in my throat, but that just made me sound like I was choking on air. Sniffling, I collapsed onto the bed as tears spilled over. My shoulders rounded as I curled myself into a weepy ball of omega hormones I’d never understand.

Everything was wrong.

The room, the bed, the sheets, the lighting… It was as if the very fibers of my being were being twisted into tangles that I’d never be able to unravel.
