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I gave a slow nod, not surprised. My gaze swept the one-room cabin that had been my home for the last three years.

Before I’d emerged, I’d been in the beta barracks with the other single women. It was a long wood cabin with a single fireplace at one end and dozens of bunkbeds lining the space. Even still, as the newest person there, I’d only been given a plastic mat since all the actual beds were taken.

As soon as my designation hit, I got upgraded to my very own cabin. The High Alpha became paranoid about my whereabouts. And, yeah, okay, it didn’t exactly help my cause that I’d tried running away twice.

So now I got my own cabin, which I shared with Logan. The omega cabin.

I was given an actual bed—a lumpy mattress on a metal frame that squeaked if I breathed wrong. Logan was given a sleeping bag. The locks and bolts that only a few had keys to kept me prisoner. Bars had been crudely welded to the two windows the space had. It was drafty, with gaping spaces between a few of the rough hewn plank walls, and I was usually freezing.

We were usually freezing. Logan and I often shared my bed, cuddling together for warmth.

Allegedly, unmated omegas didn’t get along with each other. There was supposed to be tension and catty shit, but that was never the case with us. Logan was like the sibling I’d always wanted, and I felt protective as hell over him.

And it absolutely gutted me that I couldn’t save him.

Yes, tonight he’d seen me delivered to our cabin, covered in bruises and blood, but I’d seen him dropped into the room much the same way. We took care of each other, but we didn’t ask questions. Not anymore.

The first time Logan had been brought back after a night with some of the Shepherds, I’d tried getting him to talk to me. He’d been covered in blood and welts, his eyes nearly swollen shut from crying. He’d sobbed louder when I’d tried to touch him, and flat out shut down when I’d asked what had happened.

Since then, we had an unspoken rule: we’d always support each other, but we wouldn’t ask questions.

Lately, though, I’d seen a shift amongst the High Alpha and Shepherds. The High Alpha had noticed how close I was to Logan, and wasn’t above using Logan to get me to cooperate.

If he wanted me to sit on his lap at dinner, all he needed to do was casually ask how Logan was and my ass was exactly where he wanted.

I didn’t have a family anymore, except Logan. And for him? I’d go to the ends of the freaking world.

I tried to shift my body, but it locked up when pain spiked between my legs. I gritted my teeth, swallowing a moan.

“What?” Ever observing, Logan didn’t miss much. “What can I do?”

“Nothing,” I managed. “But if you’re cold?—”

“I’ll sleep on my bed tonight,” he cut me off, his azure gaze darting to one of the windows where the sun was starting to disappear behind the mountain.

I didn’t have the energy to fight him on where he slept.

“Haze?” His soft whisper cut through the darkness descending in the room.

“Hmmm?” It hurt to move, so I laid as still as possible on my side. My pussy throbbed with each beat of my heart, and I wasn’t sure if the wetness between my legs was slick or blood. Maybe both.

Logan hesitated. “You smell different.”

My eyes were already drifting closed, my body exhausted. “I smell like them?”

“No. Like you, but more.” He sounded so uncertain.

My heart twisted, hating that my pain hurt him. “It’ll be fine.”

But when the first cramp ripped me out of a deep sleep hours later, I knew I was wrong.

By morning, the High Alpha had gotten exactly what he wanted.

I was in heat.


