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Kellan’s chest rumbled at my back. “Fear makes people do stupid shit, sweetness. Ever since Variant O wiped out sixty percent of the world’s omegas, alphas have felt like they were in a constant battle with life.”

I turned to look up at him, wishing I had the nerve to reach up and push back a lock of hair that had slipped free of his topknot. “That bad?”

It had been over fifty years since Variant O, a complicated strain of influenza that infected only omegas, was discovered. A vaccine was found within five years of the variant being discovered, but the damage had already been done.

In five years, the world’s omega population had gone from a little over a billion to a few hundred million. Sure, that sounded like a lot of people, until you factored in the almost three billion alphas and even more betas.

Rhett sighed, confirming my thoughts. “There’s not nearly enough omegas for alphas. Even with pack units, omegas are rare. That means people are willing to do whatever it takes to have exactly what they feel they’re owed.”

I bristled, knowing all too well what a man who felt he was owed the fucking world could do to innocent people.

“It started small,” Crew went on. “First it was limiting omegas when it came to things like driving and going out unchaperoned. But then, as the movement gained a foothold, more rights were stripped back.”

“Omega Services became a government run program that cataloged and monitored all omegas and packs,” Rhett chimed in, sounding disgusted. “They claim their goal is to match omegas with their perfect pack, but it’s strange how they only seem to match omegas with packs that have the deepest pockets.”

“Now it’s gotten to the point that omegas need supervision to attend a university, either by their parents, like Calla,” Jude added, “or by a pack that sponsors the omega and assumes all responsibility for her.”

“And by responsibility he means control,” Kellan clarified, his tone downright feral. “They dangle the prospect of going to college over an omega’s head like a shiny carrot.”

“Not that it matters.” Crew leaned back in his seat, a muscle twitching in his jaw. “Omegas can’t hold jobs that would allow them any kind of self-sufficiency.”

“Calla’s going to school to be a teacher,” I whispered.

“She’ll be able to teach omega approved curriculum’s to omegas,” Crew explained. “All those jobs are given out by OS, and require an alpha to sign off on her working.”

“And there’s a maximum amount of hours she can work per week,” Rhett chimed in, looking regretful. “There was concern forty-hour work weeks would overtax an omega, so they’re restricted to fifteen hours or less. There’s no way to earn a living that way, dove.”

A pit of hopelessness opened up in my gut. “So there’s no hope?”

“There’s always hope, little one,” Crew murmured, leveling me with a look that warmed my insides. “Not all alphas agree with President Anders.”

“Just the vast majority,” I muttered.

“Yes.” Crew didn’t hesitate to answer me honestly. “That’s why we need to make sure we have our stories straight tomorrow when OS comes to interview you.”

I straightened a little on Kellan’s lap. “Wait—does OS have control over all omegas?”

“Ones who don’t have a pack or parents to speak for them, yes,” Rhett replied, his head tilting to the side as he watched me. “Why?”

“Logan,” I breathed. I attempted to scramble off Kellan’s lap, but his arms banded around me and I couldn’t move. “Let go!”

“Not until you realize there’s nowhere to go,” Kellan replied.

I looked at Crew for help. “Crew?—”

He shook his head. “Don’t even think about it, baby girl.”

I stilled, glaring at him. “Think of going to help the one person who kept me sane?”

Crew leaned forward, all alpha now. “Think of playing Kellan and me against each other. We’re a pack, sweetheart, and we’re your alphas.”

“So, you’re controlling me, too?” I spat.

“No.” Crew kept his tone level. “But you can’t get to Logan right now. He’s being held on a separate floor, and OS has already contacted him.”

I deflated like a popped balloon. “No. You let them?—”

“You were, and are, our priority,” Crew interrupted me. “That being said, we know Logan is important to you, and we’ll do everything in our power to help him. We’ve got people who are keeping an eye out for him, so right now, you need to trust us and focus on getting yourself better.”
