Page 104 of Lord of Punishment

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I laughed. “That should be long enough for what I have planned.” The man would suffer just like my beautiful woman had.

While I only spent another thirty minutes with them, it was enough time to ease the anger that had threatened to derail me many times. As I headed for the door, eager for the date I had with the most beautiful woman in the world, I stopped long enough to gawk at the beast in the cage.

As I stood in front of Rico, studying his bruised and battered body from time spent with one member of the Brotherhood or another, I felt nothing but sorry for the man. When he lifted his head, staring at me with the eye that wasn’t swollen shut, I was finally able to smile instead of acting on the violence I’d once longed for.

However, I had no doubt the desire to beat him to a pulp would return soon enough.

After all, I had time on my hands.



Four weeks later

The day was without a doubt one of the most spectacular I’d ever seen. The sky was bright blue, the clouds fluffy puffs of white and the color of the Atlantic Ocean carrying a hint of turquoise. Even the breeze was light, allowing for wafting scents of various blooming flowers and roses.

As I took a deep breath, I couldn’t help but think I was the luckiest woman in the world. Dillon was having the time of his life, Max remaining by his side, Brando never far away. I was so thankful Max hadn’t been critically injured. Today, we could celebrate, forgetting about the terrors we’d all endured.

Alicia and Miguel had insisted we return to their waterfront home for our party.

Our party.

The party the two of them had insisted for my celebration with the man of my dreams, our engagement party.

I glanced at my sparkling diamond, twisting and turning the ring on my finger. It turned out the man was romantic after all. When I heard a text coming through, I smiled, no longer terrified of who was trying to contact me and why.

As I lifted the phone into my hand, all I could do was smile.

“Now, what is that big smile for?”

The deep baritone sent a powerful series of shivers dancing down my spine.

As it always had, and I suspected always would.

“Well, it would seem I have another bestseller on my hands. It’s number one in the Kindle store as of today.” Somehow, I’d finished book two of what would be a five-book series in a week. From there it had been fast tracked into editing and getting published, the whirlwind much like everything in my life the past three months. I still had difficulty believing the nightmare was over.

“I’m very proud of you,” Sabatino said as he closed the door behind him, advancing very slowly. There was such lust in his eyes that I couldn’t stop tingling.

I spun around in a circle, adoring the way the summer dress lifted almost like a halo. “I’m a bestselling author!”

“I can tell you need to come down from the rafters.” He laughed as he came closer. When I almost stumbled, he caught me as I knew he’d do. “I think I know exactly how to do that.”

The feel of his hands on me was amazing, the brush of his fingertips searing my skin. I was breathless in his arms, the love we shared as unexpected as the brutal man had become. He’d changed in the last few weeks, so much so that at times I didn’t recognize him. I’d never been happier. We’d spent a week at the cabin in Smith Mountain, which had been a wonderful closure to a chapter of my life that had in the end been a godsend in more than one way.

With the house on the market, there was no looking back. My life was with my fiancé, our upcoming wedding in a few weeks.

What could be better?

“What does that mean?” I asked coyly, trying my best to pull out of his arms.

“That means, little peach, that you’ve gotten to be a handful and it’s time for another round of discipline.”

He’d insisted on spanking me from time to time, which I’d initially hated but had learned certainly kept my mood in a better place.

For the most part.

“We have a hundred guests waiting on us,” I told him, playfully fighting his hold.
