Page 31 of Lord of Punishment

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“You did. You already did.”

The hatred in her voice was close to shattering my resolve. “If I let you go, can we talk about this?”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Obviously, there is. You need to trust me.”

“Trust you?” she asked, laughing almost as hysterically as she’d been crying before. “How can I do that when I don’t know who you are?”

“Trust your instincts. Do you really think I’m going to hurt you or Dillon?”

Her mouth twisted, which was one of the most seductive things about her. “No, I don’t but I’ve been wrong before.” Her chest continued to rise and fall but I took the chance she’d gotten over her fear-induced tantrum.

I let her go, offering a slight smile, unable to keep my eyes on her as I bent to retrieve the jewelry box. Big mistake.

She used the knee I’d avoided before, driving it under my chin with enough force I was pitched against the wall, the box flying out of my hand. The second my head hit the hard surface, I tasted blood from biting my tongue. A haze like I’d experienced the night before fell over my eyes, but it was short lived. I shook the cobwebs away, determined not to allow her to get too far away from me.

Her cry reminded me of a wounded warrior but another moment of my instinct and primal state of mind kicked in. I fisted her hair, swinging her around so her back was pressed firmly against my chest. When I lifted her off her feet, she squealed, pummeling her fists against my legs.

But the woman was going nowhere.

“That’s it. I gave you a chance to calm down but since you refuse, I’m going to provide you with something you can really concentrate on.” I took long strides out of the closet, heading toward the bed.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“That’s easy, princess. I’m going to spank your ass.”

My statement did what I wanted, shocking her into silence, her lack of movement what I was hoping for.

“Wha… What?”

“You heard me. If you think I’ll accept you behaving like a child, then I guess I’ll need to punish you like one.”

“Like hell you are.”

“If that’s what it takes to calm you down, you bet I will.” She wiggled in my hold, stronger than she appeared the day before when I’d easily rolled her over on the shoreline. I had to admire the girl’s resolve and her guts for attempting to take me on. I also craved the feel of having her nestled close to my body. I struggled with unfastening the cheap leather belt she’d purchased, grinning when I finally freed the buckle. How appropriate I was using her own purchase to discipline her.

“You’re going to obey me, sweet Georgia, my little peach.”

“I’m no one’s peach and I will not obey you.”

She was wired tightly, able to reach back and scratch my face before I realized it. “That’s going to cost you, baby.” After managing to yank the belt from my loops, I tossed it onto the bed, now fighting to unfasten her jeans. As suspected, she did everything that she could to keep me from succeeding.

Goddamn, the woman made me hot, my cock thicker than it had ever been. I could just as easily fuck her as I could spank her, but she did need to calm down. While I managed to unfasten her jeans, she continuously slapped my hands. As if that was going to stop me. Her actions only fueled me more.

With two savage jerks, I managed to yank her jeans and panties down to her knees. Her horrified gasp only added to my building hunger. I could swear my cock was already dripping pre-cum. Even better was that I was able to gather a whiff of her desire. I could only imagine how wet her pretty pink pussy was.

I shifted my arm so it was wrapped around her upper chest, keeping her tightly pressed against me as I nuzzled into her ear. My whisper was soft, yet I heard the huskiness longing in every syllable I issued. “You either calm down or I’ll need to tie you down. Is that what you’d prefer, mi pequeño durazno?” I asked, ceasing all movement for a few seconds after realizing I’d just spoken Spanish.

“What did you fucking call me?”

“My little peach.” Another series of images rushed into my mind, my muscles constricting. A boat. There were other men. I could see a muzzle flash. And I heard my name being called. Sabatino. As soon as the vision had entered my mind it was gone, but my memory was returning. Now it was only a matter of time before I was allowed to figure out who I was.

After righting my world, I would do so for hers, including tracking down the monster she was so terrified of.


