Page 34 of Lord of Punishment

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Tomorrow would likely be a different story.

When I finally had enough, my needs too intense, I pulled away, nipping her earlobe. “I can’t wait to be inside of you. This is just the beginning.” As I thrust the entire length of my cock deep into her soaked pussy, I felt as if she was home.

Wasn’t that a strange thought for a man in my condition?

And for a man who was quite possibly nothing but a monster.



Was it considered a mortal sin to want someone with every ounce of my being even if I didn’t know him? Would I burn in the fires of hell for feeling this way?

Telling myself that I didn’t want this man was nothing more than an ugly, blatant lie. When he plunged his cock inside, I couldn’t breathe, nor did I care to bother trying. The way he’d licked me had left me breathless, the ache inside from fear and worry dissipating. I had no idea how he’d managed to do that since he’d just spanked me for trying to protect myself.

Even if I was a little out of control, he had no right to snoop in my things. I closed my eyes, wishing that I wasn’t in utter bliss from the way it felt having him inside of me, but that was another fat lie. I’d been telling so many of them as of late, I wasn’t certain I even knew the truth any longer. I was crazy with lust, the need unlike anything I’d ever felt before.

“Oh,” I moaned for the umpteenth time, shuddering from his possessive hold, the way his fingers were digging into my scalp. Very little made sense any longer, including the way he’d reacted to seeing the picture and the ring.

But I sensed he knew I’d been hiding, living a lie. My erratic behavior hadn’t helped at all. I closed my eyes, indulging in the spectacular sensations as I’d done the night before, basking in his possessiveness. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, although I was certainly no good judge of character or anything else at this point. Still, the way he was pounding into me was as if he couldn’t get enough.

Or maybe as if he knew this would soon come to an end. I rocked against him, pushing up from the bed as Sabatino’s actions became even more possessive. I’d also sensed that by tossing him against the wall, the ugly hit his head had made had jarred something. I’d seen it in his eyes, had heard it in his demanding words, and could feel it in his hold.

He was starting to remember even though I wished he wouldn’t. If he’d been on the boat in question, then he was exactly as I’d believed. A dangerous man. What was I supposed to do now? I certainly couldn’t allow him to stay here. And I definitely couldn’t fall underneath whatever spell he’d placed on me.

Yet at this moment, I couldn’t ignore my desires, the need for him as powerful as breathing. The strangled sounds we both made seemed in perfect unison, an orchestration of dark and sinful needs, ones that most people would consider taboo. What did I care about what anyone thought?

I almost laughed, doing everything I could to try to shove the ridiculousness of my thoughts away as he pounded into me.

The sound only created additional jolts of live current, allowing me to issue several scattered moans without fear of being reprimanded. He said nothing else, uttering no filthy words, but the way his fingers were gripping my hip was an indication of how dominating he was. The fact I could ever tolerate this, let alone crave more was a strange but powerful testament to the man and his effect on me.

My bottom was still on fire, but during the spanking, I’d been fully aroused. I’d almost immediately become wet, my pussy aching to have his cock thrust inside. What did that make me? I had no honest answer or maybe I didn’t want to face the truth of what I’d become. I struggled to maintain some level of sanity as he refused to let go, trying to remember if anyone had ever spanked me my entire life. The answer was no.

Not my father.

Not a teacher.

Certainly not a boyfriend. Asshole’s method of punishment has been his fist or worse. I bit back a cry from the ugliness of the memory, managing to shove it aside.

When he nuzzled into my neck as he’d done before, it was so easy to smile, to feel as if the man wanted me without reservation. Maybe my extreme attraction to him was all about the way he’d reacted to my ugly scar. All I knew was that he felt like home. Wasn’t that crazy?

“Mine. I adore the fact you’re all mine.” He slowed his actions, grinding his hips into me, driving his cock even deeper. I was shocked how insanely amazing it felt, my muscles still stretching.

His words were whispered, his hot breath tickling my ear. “I can’t belong to anyone.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, my little peach. From here on out, you belong to me. Your mouth. Your breasts. Your sweet pussy. All mine. And if anyone ever tries to take you away or lay a single finger on you again, they will face the kind of wrath no man can survive.”

Oh, my God. The man had read a portion of one of my books. While I certainly didn’t have every page or salacious passage memorized, that one I knew by heart. I was thrown by how excited that made me when I should be angry. Even stranger still, it threw me into an immediate orgasm, the rush from my toes straight to my pussy unlike anything I’d ever felt before. “Oh. My. God.”

I was grateful none of my neighbors were close enough to hear my throes of passion. As the climax erupted, the sensations of electricity deepening, I savored every moment of the man taking control. Maybe, just maybe I could finally start to heal.

As I started to come down from the incredible round of ecstasy, I was certain he’d fill me with his seed, but when he pulled out, I released a startled moan.

“Relax, my peach. Now, I fuck your ass.”

There was no question as to whether or not I would allow him to claim my dark hole or whether I wanted him to do so. He was taking what he wanted. When he pressed the tip against my asshole, I stiffened. Only once had I been taken this way and I’d told myself I’d die before I’d allow it to happen again.

Yet here I was, basking in the afterglow and warmth of one of the most powerful orgasms I’d had in my life, not resisting him in the least.
