Page 55 of Lord of Punishment

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I turned around as Andres opened the door, allowing Diego Santos inside. While I hadn’t planned on asking for his assistance, given the time and ground I’d lost, let alone the contentious battle lines drawn, it seemed prudent to do so. After all, nothing about the situation was typical.

Diego scanned my office as if comparing mine to his. When I walked closer, holding out my hand for a gesture of good will, he eyed it as if by accepting my gesture a snake would crawl up his sleeve. He had a brutal reputation, a man who had yet to be soothed by the love of a good woman as I’d learned from Pops was the case with the other men of the Brotherhood. I could only imagine their levels of ruthlessness prior to accepting a weakness in their lives.

He finally shook my hand, offering a single nod. “You have a beautiful home.”

“It will do. Would you like to join me for a drink?”

“Why the hell not? I’m not driving. Whiskey.”

“A man after my own heart.”

He chuckled. “Except that neither one of us will ever own up to having a heart.”

“Unless it’s obsidian in color.” I grabbed my glass, heading to the bar and pulling down another from the shelf.

“Very true. You have the same sick sense of humor I do.”

“Perhaps we do.”

“I was told about your fascinating adventure. What’s it like to be without knowledge of who and what you are for a full day?”

If I had to guess, I’d say my father had spilled the news. Why I wasn’t certain. My father was fickle with information he allowed out of our tight confines, which meant he was working an angle. Perhaps attempting to promote my worthiness for joining the illustrious club. “To be honest with you, freeing.” I poured two glasses, slowly making my way in his direction.

“Hmmm… I could certainly see how it would have its benefits. I am curious how you came to your senses.”

I’d yet to tell anyone else about Georgia, although I wouldn’t be able to keep her a secret but for so long. The brief vision of her slamming me into the closet wall was one of the most unforgettable I had from the experience. “Another blow to the head.”

“Then you were lucky. However, your near-death experience won’t stay secretive for long. Rico will discover you’re alive and kicking.”

I handed him the drink, taking a gulp of mine as I reflected on his statement. “I’m not the kind of man to hide from anything, Diego. Not only am I eager for him to realize I have nine lives, but I’ve sent him a congratulatory note for his recent purchase. After that, he’ll realize that I’m the reason for his brother’s untimely death.”

“Hmmm… You are a cold-hearted man. I do value that very much. You have me curious. What purchase are you referring to?”

“His buy in to the Thousand Acres production studio.” I watched his reaction carefully, able to tell he’d yet to hear about the recent acquisition.

“La traición le costará,” he hissed.

“Yes, treachery will cost him or at least it should.”

He chuckled, lifting his glass in reverence. “I forgot about your family’s background. I fall to the language of my father’s world when I’m angry. You’re certain of this news.”

“Absolutely. I thought you should know given it’s obvious Rico plans on acquiring a significant portion of Los Angeles.”

“Then the man is delusional. What is it that you need, Sabatino?”

“I’m aware you’ve researched the man and his habits. Yes?”

“As you’ve done with your East Coast enemies, yes. But I’m not certain anything I can tell you will provide you with strategy for the upcoming battle.”

“Are you aware he was engaged years before?”

He laughed. “He’s been with several women over the years, all of them beautiful and accomplished.”

“True, but he became fixated on one in Connecticut.”

“Mmm… I heard he became the girl’s stalker and almost killed her. That I heard from a buddy of mine. That’s about all I know. Other than she was his type, a beautiful and very young blonde. I’ve firmly believed that young girls should be provided with everything they need to recognize bad men like the two of us and run far away.”
