Page 65 of Lord of Punishment

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“Mommy.” Dillon pushed away. “I’m hungwy.”

The spell was thankfully broken.

“Then I think we should head to dinner. What do you think, Georgia?”

She was clenching her teeth, doing her best to continue hating me. In those few additional seconds of being across the room from one another, I allowed myself another moment of desire.

“Why, certainly, Sabatino,” she said, her voice dripping of sarcasm. “I certainly wouldn’t miss meeting part of your family for anything. Does your brother know I’m your captive?”

“He doesn’t know you’re my guest at all.”

“Well, won’t the dinner festivities be awkward. Just what am I supposed to say? Or let me guess. I’m not allowed to talk. Just be seen like arm candy.”

I inched closer, trying to keep my tone even. “Do you think we could dispense with the sarcasm just for tonight? After all, your son is hungry.”

She kept the haughty look on her face but nodded. “Yes. We can do that. For the most part.”

Why did I have a feeling the truce was short lived?

She turned around, walking Dillon out of the room.

I realized I’d been holding my breath, laughing softly to myself as Max sauntered into the room, peering at me exactly as he’d done the afternoon I’d washed up on her shore. “Protect the house, Max. You’re in charge while I’m gone.” When he barked once, the serious tone told me he knew exactly what I was asking of him.

Maybe the old adage was true. Dogs were smarter than humans.

“You didn’t think warning me that you were bringing guests to dinner was a good idea? Alicia will be miffed,” Miguel said.

“Your beautiful Italian wife makes enough food for an army, and you know it,” I told him as I closed the front door, ushering Georgia further inside. “Georgia Ingalls, my baby brother Miguel, and this little fella is her son, Dillon.”

Dillon lifted his arm, waiting for my brother’s handshake.

Miguel eyed me carefully before shaking the kid’s hand with gusto. “Well, you are about the same age as my son, Brando. Would you like to meet him?”

He lifted his head toward his mom. Obviously, she’d had a long talk with him about his exuberance when seeing me.

“It’s fine, baby. Just don’t get your new clothes dirty. With any luck, we can take them back to the store for a refund.” She threw me a look that could turn any man into stone.

Miguel, on the other hand, merely lifted his eyebrows in amusement.

“Is that my brother-in-law?” Alicia’s voice carried from the other room. As soon as she walked into the foyer, she stopped, her mouth opening. “Oh, my. Who do we have here?” As she inched closer, the delight on her face almost made me laugh.

“I was just getting around to that,” Miguel said, still scrutinizing me.

“Alicia, this is Georgia and Dillon. This incredible woman likely saved my life. She took me into her home, cleaned my wounds, and even purchased new clothing. Her hospitality is the reason I was able to return home.”

I sensed her surprise at what I’d said. It was true. There was no reason to lie.

“Oh, my gosh. You have no idea how amazing that is and how happy we are that you’re here,” Alicia said, gracious as always. I’d always wondered what she’d seen in my brother given our vicious upbringing. “And what an adorable little boy. Come on, you two. I think you probably need a glass of wine. Besides, the boys always need to have a discussion before we can sit down and eat. Make yourself at home.”

I wasn’t anticipating Georgia would soften her demeanor, but I was pleasantly surprised I was wrong.

Alicia started talking from the second she led Georgia away and Miguel shook his head, already leading the way to the living room. “I see you were keeping something from your family.”

“It was prudent until I fleshed out Georgia’s background.”

“Uh-huh. You really do like playing with fire. Don’t you?”

“Now, whatever does that mean, brother?” As I rubbed my temple, I sensed he was watching my movements.
