Page 38 of Dirty Flirt

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The energy in this place tonight is off the charts, so different from the usual chill vibe. It’s contagious, kinetic… building as people join in.

It’s fun.

More shots make the rounds. More sweaty bodies surge together.

Add to that, I’m still riding the adrenaline high that’s been burning through my veins since Bowie popped the question scoring him official brother-in-law status. And I’m with her.

So we dance. We get low and lower.

We bounce high and higher.

We drink. We bust out our best TikTok moves trying to outdo each other. Until we’re breathless from laughing.

She’s fucking amazing. Fun.


She’s driving me wild. Feeding that part of me that wishes things were different. Wonders what it might have been like now if they were. Remembers those few weeks eight years ago when they were.

I take her in my arms and give in to the eye contact that locks us into place, holding us there as we find a slower beat. Something changes in the way we move.

Because it just feels too good. Too right. And if ever there was a night I could justify giving in in the name of celebration, this is it.

So my arm falls around her waist. It’s dangerous, but we’re just dancing. That’s all.

Her arms fold behind my neck.

Our thighs slot together.

Our hips sync to a heavier beat.

We’re just dancing.

I brush a sweat-damp curl from her cheek, tucking it behind her ear and then letting the back of my thumb skim the length of her neck.

We slow. Stop.

Our eyes are locked, searching.

Her fingers sift through the short hair at the back of my head. Mine curve into the side of her?—


Someone ducks to grab a fallen phone behind her, and Lara blinks, her breath catching. And when her eyes meet mine again, it’s with a stunned laugh and brows high.

“Lara.” I reach for her, a kind of desperation I can’t make sense of rising in my chest.

But she’s backing away, hands up. “I umm— kind of forgot what year it was. Don’t worry, I’m good. Just— I just need a minute.”

* * *


What am I doing!

I stop at the top of the stairs and peek past the ropes, hoping for a restroom or anywhere I can hide out a minute while I get my head on straight. Pull myself together.

One minute it was all fun and fooling around. Ben and I hanging out like normal. And then the next?
