Page 55 of Dirty Flirt

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Ben: I’m serious

Ben: What’s in the deluxe accessory pack?

Ben: Don’t tell me

Ben: Fuck it. Tell me

Ben: Don’t…



Lara never texted me back. I’ve mentioned how smart she is.

And by the time she slipped out of her room, I’d already been out for a run, taken a cold shower, and jerked off. Twice.

Meanwhile, she’d also showered, had her wet hair up in a knot, and was looking a little too contrite for my taste. We ordered dinner. Watched a movie and did not discuss whether her new toy lived up to the waterproof hype. Because, yes. I looked it up.

I know the price. Damn, Lara.

I know the specs.

I know about the accessory pack and that if she put it in pair mode, I could control it from my phone.

PS: I installed and uninstalled the app twelve times in the first two hours I knew about it.

But in the end, friendship won out.

Also, I might have screwed something up in my system settings. I can’t install anything now.

Whatever. I’ve been good.

We’ve been good.

Today, I hit morning skate and knocked a few things off Sylvia’s to-do list. Those new gloves? Chef’s kiss.

I called up a service and got an interview set up for next week. Took a nap. And then got my ass back to Wagner Arena to watch tape, talk to the coaches, and hang out with my team while we prepare to wipe the floor with the Golds tonight.

I did not spend the day thinking about Lara and reminding myself of all the reasons it would be a mistake to try for something more than friendship with this woman. Not the entire day, anyway. Just those moments that weren’t packed with other things.

Sigh. I’m a work in progress.

Game time rolls around, and I’m jumpy, ready to burn off the conflicting thoughts bouncing around my head and the vast stores of energy threatening to overload my control.

We dress. Clomp down the tunnel to the heavy beat of music and our city losing their minds over their favorite team.

I’m ready to go.

We warm up.

Line up for the puck drop, and it’s on.

Head in the game. It’s fast from the start.

Head in the game. We’re aggressive, but they’ve got this new kid on the team who’s faster than a trending TikTok.

Head in the game. Clash. Whistle.
