Page 22 of Detained

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“You’re not wearing your famous mask anymore, Keller?” I ask.

“What do I need it for? I’m not hiding anymore. These fuckers can see my face just before they die.”

Grayson raises an eyebrow at him. I can sense the tension from here. I won’t be encouraging Keller to step back like Luca did. He’s a grown ass man. If he wants in, he’s in. I won’t say no to a trained killer being on my side. It will be good for Jax and Kai to learn from him.

“What do we think is in there?” Jax asks from my right.

“Worst case, an army of Romano’s men are sent here to slaughter us. Best case, more drugs and guns.” I answer honestly.We’ve never to this day had an unexpected shipment arrive.

Jax looks raring to go. Kai, behind him, shifts nervously from foot to foot .

“All good, Kai?”

He rubs his tattooed hand along the ink on his jaw and nods. It’s his first time up here with me. Grayson assures me he’s ready. Jax, I agree, he is ready for more. Kai may need more persuading.

“Likely, it’s the first option,” Grayson says, taking a drag of his cigarette and blowing the smoke up in the air.

I do the same; the nicotine calming the adrenaline pumping around my veins. It’s been a while since I’ve had blood on my hands. I miss it.

As I step into the yard, I spot the commissioner watching the boat come in.There is movement next to the warehouse behind him. What the hell is he playing at?

I hold my hand up to stop the guys behind me.

The first boat starts to approach. I stand in front of my men and wait. Tossing my cigarette to the ground and stamping it into the gravel, I slip out the brass knuckles from my pocket and slide them on my fingers. My right hand rests on my gun, ready for whatever surprise they have planned for me.

Here we fucking go.

The second boat stops a few yards away from the dock.

“We need to move closer.”

Glancing at Grayson, I catch his small nod.

I click my neck from side to side, unholstering my gun, leaving it at my side.

We crouch and scale the side of one of the containers, so we’re close enough to see and hear what George is doing.

“Is that?” Grayson asks.

“Yes,” I say through gritted teeth.

This confirms everything I need to know. That trip to Italy wasn’t a vacation, it was an act of war.

The lackey on the boat uses a crowbar to tear open the front of the first wooden crate. Enzo’s voice comes through the speaker in my ear.

“Armored vehicle approaching, ETA three minutes. Sending in your backup. They’ll wait at the gates.”

The last of the long nails screech as the face of the large box falls to the ground, the impact reverberating through my feet. As the choking dust clears, I can barely believe what I’m seeing.

“Oh fuck,” Keller mutters behind me.

The gathering of George and his men startles the women cowering within the dark confines. Their hands raise, blocking the violent intrusion of light as they squint before cowering in a huddle in the back.

Rage burns through me.

Those dirty motherfuckers.

“What do we do, boss? He’s the commissioner?”

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