Page 23 of Detained

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My hands shake with rage as men jump off the boat and stand with George. I know we can take them out; that isn’t a question.

“Kill every single one of them, leave George alive. Jax and Kai, you get the girls to safety.”My blood boils, a stabbing feeling radiates through my chest as I think about Rosa, of everything that happened to her that I couldn’t stop.

Over my dead body will any harm come to these women.Romano knows our stance on trafficking. A big fucking no.

“What if this is a setup?” Grayson asks.

“We can’t leave these women.”I take a step forward, my feet crunching on the gravel, and George’s head turns to face me. Pure fucking horror on his features as I aim my gun at him.

“Kill him,” George shouts at the man next to him, who pulls out his weapon at me, but he’s too slow. I shift my aim and pull the trigger. The bullet hits through his cheek, and he drops without a sound. The screams get louder as our back up start to arrive, the men filtering out of the back of the armored truck just as the second boat pulls up.

We have enough safe houses while we work out where the hell the women came from. They could have information we need on Romano.

For now, we fight.

George takes his opportunity to run, but the old fucker can’t keep up with me. I catch him easily, grabbing the back of his throat, turning him to face me as I slam my metal covered fist into the side of his jaw.

“You’re going to fucking regret this, George,” I grit out, throwing him to the ground.

He coughs, spitting blood into the dirt and laughs, looking past me as more black SUVs filter in.

“You touch me again, you’ll spend the rest of your life behind bars, Frankie,” he warns.

My finger twitches over the trigger. I could end him, here and now. I look back at the men coming out of the cars. My bet–dirty cops.

If I kill him, I’m done. We all are.



I’ve fucked up. Big time.

The heavy sound of the boat engines carries through the air as I slip between two containers. There is no way I can find a way out, not with this many of his men here.

I wrap my arms around my body and lean on the metal. Hopefully, it will be over soon. I’m far enough away to stay hidden, especially in the darkness. Still close enough, I can just about work out what’s going on.

They all seem tense, which is making me on edge. I don’t really know if I want to witness the monster in action again. Yet, I can’t peel my eyes from him.

I lean forward, squinting, and my heart almost stops. My father.

He’s standing with his hands in his pockets, watching the boats arrive. What the hell? He didn’t even tell me or Mom he was home.

My eyes flick back to Frankie, who is next to the container closer to the docks. The way he commands his men, and the way they respect him, fascinates me.

I can hear shouting coming from the boat, I shuffle forwards to listen. That’s when the unmistakable sounds of females screaming rips through the air.

“Shit,” I hiss.

He’s trafficking women. With my father.

I fumble back, the fear taking over. This is a whole other level of dangerous. Gunshots start to ring out and the cries get louder. Squatting against the cold steel, I wish I could melt through it. If anyone sees me here, I’m as good as dead.

Squeezing my weapon, I shuffle forward to get a better view. Frankie didn’t strike me as the lowest of the low. A monster, yes. He seemed, I don’t know, classier than that. A sliver of nausea boils through me. I let myself be turned on by him.

Fighting back the bile rising in my throat, I watch as men from the second boat swarm in from all angles. Behind me there is shouting, shots firing. Even with the chaos, I can’t take my eyes off Frankie as he bolts towards my father.

I gasp as he shoots the guy next to my dad in the head and my heart is in my throat as my dad makes a run for it. I almost take a step forward and stop myself.
