Page 24 of Detained

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I shake my head. What the hell is going on? I thought my dad worked for Frankie. The next thing I know, my dad is thrown to the ground. Clamping my hand over my mouth, a guy runs at Frankie with a knife.

“No,” I whisper.

I can barely breathe.

Jumping Frankie from the back, a hulking brute wraps his arms around Frankie’s neck. Frankie grabs and slings him over his shoulder to land flat on the ground before pummeling the man in the head. The streetlamps reflect off the metal bands across Frankie’s knuckles. He straddles him, and lets loose, his fists slamming into the prostrate man, blood splattering all over his shirt.

I watch as my dad takes his opportunity to make a run for it towards the black SUVs at the entrance.

Another man runs in my direction, and I press myself into the shadows. Keller darts after him and catches him easily, swiping a knife along his throat and stabbing it through his jaw before tossing him to the ground like trash.

My heart almost beats out of my chest. There are bodies and blood everywhere.. These men are feral beasts, and Frankie is the leader of the pack. His deep voice calls out orders over the screams and gunfire.

The fighting behind me gets closer, and I tighten my grip on my gun. Another van speeds through the gates.I am so far out of my depth here.

Frankie spots the van and runs towards it. They stop only a few containers down from me.I bite down on my cheek; I can’t even risk them hearing me breathe.

“Jax, get these girls somewhere safe and hidden.”Frankie’s unmistakable voice sends my mind into a whirlwind.

This doesn’t make any sense.

Grayson trots behind him. “What the fuck is happening?”

Frankie runs a hand through his hair, smearing the blood that was sprayed across his face.

“Romano is sending a message. We need to get out of here!” He shouts the last word and balls his fists.

My mouth falls open.

The ringing in my ears almost drowns out Frankie’s voice. “G, get on the phone to Enzo. Send them to one of our safe houses.”His jaw clenches. “They’re all dead men.”

I swear my heart almost stops and tears threaten to erupt. My dad did this?

Jax leads the sobbing girls past my container, speaking in Russian to them in a soft voice. I keep deadly still, praying no one spots me in the shadows.

Footsteps crunch on the gravel. With every step, they get louder. I feel like I’m about to pass out.

“Did they hurt you?” Frankie’s husky voice asks. He’s far too close to me.

My hands tremble on my face.

I can’t make out her response.

“We will keep you safe, okay?”

The sickening realization dawns on me. He is saving them from my dad.

Chaos continues around them. Frankie, Grayson, and Jax lead the girls into an armored truck.

“Let's finish them off and get out of here.”

A thump behind me makes me spin around, aiming my gun out in front. I have no clue who works for who. I keep my eyes set between the gap, where I saw a flash of movement.

Protect myself first. That’s what my dad always taught me.

A heavy leather jacket is followed by a scarred face. My eyes focus only on the hefty knife he’s waving. “Come here, whore,” he shouts with a heavy accent.

“Stop, or I’ll shoot,” I say loud enough for him to hear me. Hopefully, it doesn’t carry past the containers.
