Page 15 of The Sunset Shores

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“You are consenting adults in love. I think you should be shouting it from the rooftops and give no regard to what your parents think. Cindy is irrelevant because she’s not your mother, and I think your dad will be thrilled. He knows what kind of a man you are, and he just wants you to be happy.”

“I think Roger will be kicking himself someday when he realizes that he gave up the most wonderful wife in the world. Cindy doesn’t hold a candle to you,” Margeaux said.

“Before I was divorced, I thought I was pretty great, but that all went away. I’m only just starting to build that back, and the two of you help,” Sophie said. “I’m going to get ready, and the two of you can have space that all newlyweds need.”

She gave them time alone as she ran upstairs to shower. The last twelve hours had been eventful, and there was no way whatever Nora said could compare. Sophie thought about Cindy and how effortlessly perfect she looked, but things would change for her in about fifteen years. She'd be a little sore in the morning, and maybe perimenopause would start to rear its ugly head. She wouldn't turn as many heads as she used to, and the crow's feet would start to become visible.

Sophie fought age with fillers and considered a tummy tuck. It was only recently that she began to accept her forty-nine years as something to be proud of. Maybe Roger viewed that as giving up, but she knew she was just getting started. At least, some of the time, she thought that way.

Sophie looked in the mirror, and today was one of those days. She stepped into a chic black pantsuit and finished it with silver chunky jewelry.


Sophie had worked in Manhattan when she was first out of college. She thought she must have been crazy, but the city offered so many possibilities to the young. Sophie and Nina had lived a life right out of Sex and the City, or so they thought. They lacked the wardrobe and the attention of handsome men. They shared a studio and ate ramen – but it was fun. They were smart enough to know when the gig was up, and they moved back to Brooklyn.

Malcolm drove her right to the front door of the imposing building, and she took the elevator up. Halfway down the hall was the glass door to the small estate law firm.

“Hi, Sophie Cast to see Nora Gladstone,” she said.

Nora strode out of her office a few minutes later. She led with her extended hand. “Thanks for coming, and I’m sorry about having to cancel and reschedule. Keeping appointments is the toughest part of this job, and it’s because of the system. It’s no one’s fault, just the way the courts work.”

“It didn’t put me out at all,” Sophie said.

"Can I get you coffee, water, or a soft drink?" Nora asked. "I haven't seen you since your father's service. How are you and your mother doing?"

“We’re doing as best we can considering the circumstances,” Sophie said.

“That’s good to hear. It always helps to have someone to lean on.”

“No beverages for me. I’m good, but I’m anxious to know what this is all about. Are you going to tell me?” Sophie asked. “I don’t mean to rush you, but you sounded almost nervous on the phone.”

Nora placed an eight by ten photograph of a stately home on her desk.

“Have you ever been to this house in St. Michaels, Maryland?” Nora asked.

"No, and I've never heard of St. Michaels. I've never even been to Maryland," Sophie said.

“Well, you’re going now because the house belonged to your father, and he left it to you.”

“I inherited a house.” Her eyes grew wide. “This makes no sense because he wouldn’t have a house like this and not tell his family about it. Shouldn’t my mother be here because almost everything was left to her?” Sophie asked.

“This is where it gets complicated. Bill Cast, as you knew him…”

Sophie interrupted. “What do you mean by that? That was his name, and that was how everyone knew him.”

“Your father, it seems, had two completely separate families. Your father was also known as Bill Allen, and he had two daughters. You have inherited the home along with your sisters, Hayley and Maura.”

Sophie fainted.

“Safra, I need help in here!”
