Page 77 of Shifted

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Rory hit the gas and screamed into the parking lot after Lyle. Lyle pulled a J-turn and skidded around, facing Dalton. With another squeal of the tires, Lyle sped straight for him closing the distance fast. Dalton dove onto one of the parked cars, nearly getting clipped by Lyle.

Lyle was still flying toward the back exit with Rory after him when a horse and rider came out of the barn and started across the drive. The horse reared, and Lyle swerved to miss it, hitting a line of parked cars.

Dalton ran toward the carnage. Rory and Jordana were out of the car and approaching the driver's door when the door swung open and Lyle jumped out. He lunged at Jordana, grabbed her by the arm, and drew her to him as he backed up into the car by the passenger door. He wrapped an arm around her neck and put a knife to it. “Come any closer, and I’ll kill her.”

Jordana looked terrified. She was also in pain. Her shoulder must be dislocated from the way he’d grabbed her arm. He could not let this man further hurt his little sister. And Greer. Was she alright? He wanted more than anything to open the trunk and pull her out, but he didn’t dare.

“It’s over, Lyle,” Dalton called. He saw movement out of the corner of his eye. The horse and rider had gone back into the barn. That was at least one person who was safe.

“You just couldn’t leave it alone. If Dennis had just died of a heart attack, no one would’ve cared. No one would miss him. He was an asshole. No one is sorry he’s gone.”

There were running footsteps. Dalton glanced behind him. Bainbridge and Brian were approaching.

“What are you doing, Philip?” Bainbridge demanded.

“He killed Dennis. And James,” Dalton supplied.

“What? Why?” Bainbridge came to a stop not far from Dalton.

“You killed my father?” Brian yelled. “You asshole! You killed him for the money!”

Lyle screamed, “He owed me! He said it was a good deal and then backed out of it. I invested everything. Everything! And lost it all. You said yourself he’d done it on purpose. He was a mean bastard and no one cares that he’s dead.”

“I do! He was my father!” Tears streamed down Brian’s face.

Lyle was looking around wildly. He was getting desperate. Dalton’s gut churned. How could he get Jordana away from him and keep him from the car and Greer? Suddenly, there was movement in the car. He glanced over but tried not to make it obvious. Greer was crawling out of the bag. Her hands and feet were tied, and she had a gag in her mouth, but she was moving. Thank God. Profound relief swept through him, making his knees weak, but it was short-lived as Lyle moved the knife closer to his sister’s throat.

“Get out of my way. I want the keys to that car.” He quickly pointed to Rory’s car with his knife and then put it back in place.

“No,” Dalton said. The sounds of sirens in the distance were growing louder. There was no way he was letting Lyle out of here. To do so would be a death sentence for Jordana. She met her brother’s gaze and gave him a slight nod.

“I’ll kill her,” he threatened again.

Greer had spun herself sideways and had her feet against the door. What was she trying to do? The BMW. It had a button for the door release instead of a handle. All the new electric models had it. He knew exactly what she was about to do. He met her gaze and gave her a tiny nod. She nodded back.

He raised his hand so it was above the level of the car door where she could see it. He counted down. Three. Two. One. Greer slammed the door button with her feet, making the door fly open and smash into Lyle. He stumbled forward, sending Jordana flying. Rory caught her as Dalton moved forward and cold-cocked Lyle with a right cross.

The man dropped like a stone. Dalton kicked the knife out of his hand.

Brian lunged forward and started to beat Lyle, but Bainbridge pulled him off.

Dalton went around the door, reached into the car, and pulled Greer into a sitting position. “Are you okay?” he asked as he removed the gag from her mouth.

“I’ve been better,” she managed to say and then slumped against him.


“Are you sure you don’t want any more tea?” Dalton asked.

“I will float away if I drink anything else,” Greer declared. They were sitting on the sofa in Greer’s room. Rory was there, along with Jordana, whose arm was in a sling. “How are you feeling?” she asked the other woman.

“Okay for now, but I suspect that’s the pain meds. It’s going to hurt like a bitch when they wear off.” They’d just come from the hospital, and she was sitting in the chair next to Greer. “It’s just all so unbelievable.”

“To say the least,” she agreed.

Dalton’s phone rang, and he answered. Detective Haas, he mouthed. “What’s going on?” he said into the phone. “Uh-huh.” There was a long pause and then “Okay.” Another long pause and then, “Thanks for telling me. I’ll come down to the station and sign the report before we leave on Sunday.” There was another pause and then, “Thanks for everything.” He hung up.

“What? There can’t be anything else,” Rory declared. “I can’t take it.”
