Page 10 of Locked Out

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“I…I didn’t know. Where’s the bible now?” To hold something that had passed down through her family would be a dream come true. She found herself wanting the book more than anything she’d wanted in her life.

He gave a small shrug. “I have no idea. Neither did Alicia. She had come to Venice to find it again. There’s a rumor that it’s here. I was trying to help her but unfortunately, I was not having much luck. It is proving to be a difficult book to find.”

“I see.” She didn’t really. Didn’t see at all. “Did she tell you about any other family members?”

He tilted his chin downward as he reached out and put a hand on her arm. “I’m so sorry. Alicia said she thought you two were the last two names in the bible.”

She wanted to recoil from the man’s touch, but she refrained. It wouldn’t do to insult the man. “Do you know anything else about my family? What is my family name?”

Again, he shook his head and squeezed her arm. “I’m so sorry, Alicia didn’t remember that part. Just that your name, Larissa Day, was written in the Bible next to hers, Alicia Scott.”

It was not only disappointing but confusing news. Why did they have different names? Why were those names in the family Bible? What were their birth names? Were they given any? Maybe not. Then how were those names known? It seemed like every question she had just gave birth to another question.

“Did your parents tell you anything about your birth family?” Umberti asked.

Once again, she noticed him studying her. She didn’t want to talk to him about her adoptive family. It seemed almost a betrayal of them somehow. “My adoptive parents? Er, no. Nothing.” She wasn’t going to share that they told her they’d gotten her through a closed adoption and they knew nothing about her birth family. That had been a source of frustration for her, not knowing anything about where she came from. Her fingers automatically found the pendant hanging around her neck. She touched it when she was stressed or scared. It was the only thing she had of her birth mother. She’d arrived at her adoptive family’s home with it already in her possession.

“Your sister had one of those as well.” The smile he aimed at her hand was chilling. Then he cocked his head and seemed to be listening to something. Riss looked around but had no idea what drew his attention. Suddenly, he rose to his feet. “I am sure you’re exhausted. Traveling does that to a person. Perhaps we can have lunch tomorrow? I would love to speak to you more about Alicia.”

“Er, I…have plans with Cash. Is it okay if I bring him with me?” She had no idea what Cash’s plans were but she was not going to be alone with Umberti if she could avoid it.

His expression soured as his gaze hardened. “Perhaps it’s better if we meet alone. Mr. Walker can be…overbearing at times, or so Alicia said.” The smile on his lips didn’t get anywhere near his eyes.

What did that mean? Just how close were Alicia and Cash? A small flare of jealousy rippled through her.

“Here.” He produced a card. “That’s my shop. Drop by when you can.”

“Um, sure. Thanks.” Riss stood. Umberti gave her a small bow and started to walk away before turning back towards her. “Be very careful, Riss. Venice can be a very dangerous place for someone like you.”

A shiver went down her spine and all the hair on the back of her neck stood up. “I…I will,” she croaked. And then he was striding out of the hotel and disappearing into the night.

Her knees gave out and she crashed down into the chair again. What the hell had that been about? Was he warning her about outside dangers or about himself? She shivered again. Weird.

A family bible. Just the thought of the family tree inside the book made her blood rush. A chance to find out something anything about her family would be so wonderful. Could it be in Alicia’s possessions? Did Cash have that? Her heart thrummed with excitement at the thought. Then stuttered to a halt. If Umberti hadn’t found it for Alicia, what were the chances she’d found it on her own? And why Venice? Was her family Italian? Doubtful, judging by her blond hair and violet eyes.

“Ms. Day?” a voice said and Riss started.

“Yes?” she croaked.

The concierge was standing next to her. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He was staring at her.

“Er, why? Don’t I look okay?”

He gave a small shrug. “If you don’t mind me saying so, you look rather…pale. Frightened almost. Is there something I can get for you?”

He was not wrong. “I…the man I was speaking with just shared some unsettling news.”

“Man?” The concierge looked around confused. “I’m sorry I didn’t see you speaking with a gentleman.”

Was he serious? They’d been sitting right in front of him. “Um, may I have some tea brought to my room?”

“Of course. It will be right up.” He nodded and hustled across the lobby to the desk.

Riss rose and had to grab onto the arm of the chair to keep from falling again. She took a deep breath and walked over to the elevator. The wobble in her knees convinced her she couldn’t handle the stairs. Umberti had scared the crap out of her. Her instincts were telling her to run far away as fast as possible. But taking the easy way out would mean she might never find out about her family. Was it worth the risk? There was only one way to find out.


“I’m sure,” Cash said as he leaned back in the desk chair and stared out the window into the darkness. He was on the phone, in the small office in the back corner of the house. “She is definitely Alicia’s sister. Not only does she look like Alicia, but she has similar movements. She’s slightly shorter though.” And a damn sight sexier but he wasn’t going to mention that to his boss, Archer Gray. He didn’t need the grief he’d get from Archer, nor did he need the hassling he’d get from the other members of the elite security team that protected the Lock and Key Society. Cash was good at doling it out, but he wasn’t so keen to take it at the moment. It would hit a little too close to home. He’d screwed up with Alicia and he wasn’t quite ready to deal with the shit his teammates would sling at him.
