Page 52 of Locked Out

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Cash quickly undid the button and zipper, pulling the jeans down her legs. As he kissed her neck, his fingers slipped inside the elastic of her thong. He gently rubbed her clit, teasingly slow as she squirmed under him. Her anticipation grew until she couldn't take it anymore.

“Faster,” she pleaded.

He stopped. “Say it, Riss,” he whispered. “I won’t let you come until you say it. You’re mine.”

Un-fucking-believable. She bit her lip and shook her head. He went back to teasing her clit. Beneath him, she writhed with pleasure until he finally pushed his fingers deeper inside of her, earning a loud moan from her lips. Again, he clamped a hand over her mouth. “No sound or I stop.” She wanted to scream but she clamped her lips together.

Turning her over once again, he removed her underwear. She hated to admit how much she loved this side of him; dominant and in control during sex. It made every nerve in her body beg for him.

Pressing his body tightly against hers, Cash kissed her deeply. The feeling of their bare skin touching ignited an intense desire within Riss. As his fingers explored between her legs once more, she moved erratically beneath him. With each touch to her sensitive center, she found herself falling further into ecstasy. Cash made his way down her body until he was kneeling above the apex of her legs, ready to give her everything she craved.

“Say it, or I stop here.” He held her gaze.

Wait. Was he serious? She’d thought it was some sort of sex game, but he seemed serious. She had to admit how much she wanted him, say she was his, or he would leave. Fuck that. She stayed silent. He stood and reached for his sweater.

“Fuck me, Cash,” she whispered. Two could play this game. She sat up and reached for his belt. “Let me touch you.”

He stepped back. “Say it or we’re done.”

Cash was totally serious. What the hell was going on? Just then his cell went off. He clicked the phone screen, listened a moment, and then said, “On my way.”

He left the room without so much as a backward glance.


Body still thrumming with need, Cash willed his hard-on into submission as he headed down the stairs. He detoured into the restroom to wash Riss’s scent off his hands. He wouldn’t be able to concentrate with the smell of her arousal clinging to his skin. Fuck. She was incredible. Everything he’d ever wanted and more. There was just something about her that touched his soul. And he needed her to feel it too. She had to feel it or he was a goner.

Thank God his phone had gone off. He wasn’t sure he would have had the strength to leave on his own, but he needed to. The thing of it was, he'd known the moment they’d started that if he had sex with her, if he came inside her, he would never want to be with anyone else ever again. She needed to be his or he wasn’t going to make it. It was insane to think that way but there it was.

With everything he’d been through, growing up hard, surviving Afghanistan, Iraq, and all the other places he wasn’t allowed to mention, even with all that, it only took one small, violet-eyed woman to break him. Now what the fuck was he supposed to do?

He stared at his reflection in the mirror after washing his hands for a third time. He needed to get his shit together. His phone buzzed. He didn’t bother glancing at the screen. It was Archer. He threw away his paper towel and walked out.

Two minutes later he walked into the board room to find Li at one end and Davenport at the other. Archer was in his usual position, resting against the credenza. “Cash, you will stay in here for this meeting. After last night’s occurrences, Mr. Davenport has expressed concern about his safety.”

“First, she breaks into my room and then she turns up dead. A piece of paper was stolen as well, which I find shocking. Archer, you’re supposed to make sure these types of things don’t happen. I am very disappointed.”

“As I have explained to you, Mr. Davenport, I cannot always anticipate when people will break the rules, I can only enforce the consequences. Vanessa is already dead so I cannot re-kill her.” Cash quietly snorted over the image of resurrecting the woman just to kill her again. Archer shot him a quelling glance. “The situation is over, but to make you feel secure, Cash will stay in the room for your meeting. Should Mr. Li get out of hand, he will step in.”

Li was a few inches and quite a few pounds lighter than Davenport. The way Archer said it, anyone would think Li was the underdog. But besides having brought in the knife, Li was head of a triad and he knew how to fight. Cash knew it was actually Davenport he was in the room to protect. So did Li. Cash wasn’t as skilled in martial arts as he was with other forms of combat, but if the man so much as twitched funny, Cash would take him out.

“Is everyone fine with this?” Archer asked.

Li and Davenport nodded.

Cash took up a spot in the corner with a clear view of each man. He made a show of pulling out his weapon and attaching a suppressor. He wouldn’t hesitate to shoot, and they both knew it. What they didn’t know was that Cash was an excellent shot both with a handgun and a rifle. He’d won all kinds of contests in the military. He was lightning quick.

Archer straightened. “Just so you know, Cash is an excellent shot and very fast. Don’t think you can out-gun him or attack before he would get a shot off. You don’t have a hope.” He glanced at Li. “Seriously. Also, neither one of you would make it out of the building so there’s really no point.” He nodded to the two gentlemen and walked to the doorway. “Please let Dante know if you need anything. He will be standing outside the door.” With that statement, Archer left closing the door after him.

Both Li and Davenport sat down at opposite ends of the table. They each had a pad of paper in front of them and a pen. There was a small fridge on the other side of the credenza and Li had a bottle of water in front of him.

“Cash, can you hand me a bottle of water?” Davenport asked.

“No.” It wasn’t his job to wait on the room’s occupants, and in fact, it would put him in a vulnerable position to do it.

Davenport glared at him, but Cash didn’t move.

“Fine,” he said and went back to glancing at the pad of paper in front of him. “So,” he said finally, “what is it you would like to discuss, Mr. Li?”

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