Page 53 of Locked Out

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Li met his gaze. “We are both leaders in the tech world. It would be disingenuous of us to not acknowledge that we are aware of what we are each working on.”

“Agreed.” Davenport sat back in his chair. “Let’s cut to the chase. I assume you have some kind of deal you want to offer me.”

Li let out a small sigh. Cash knew it must be painful for him to deal with Americans like Davenport. None of the rituals of the Far East is observed. Just the balls out, brass tacks approach. Must be very distasteful which meant whatever he wanted, he must want it very much.

“Your AI project, Jenny, I believe you call it. I would like to license it for China.”

Davenport blinked. That had taken him by surprise. Cash, too, if he was being honest. He didn’t follow the tech world much, but he knew these two were archrivals. Musk and Bezos essentially. He couldn’t fathom how Li thought they’d work together.

“I have to say, Chang, this comes as a surprise. I had heard you were developing your own AI.”

Li nodded. “My company is doing so…however…there are many more…hoops to jump through in China than you have in the United States. It is…slightly more difficult. It takes longer.”

Li’s face didn’t change nor did his tone, but Cash knew in an instant that was the real reason for this meeting. Li was under the gun. He was running out of time.

“I am proposing that I license your home device with Jenny installed from you for the Chinese market.”

Davenport leaned back in his chair. “How would you even make that work? Surely your government would never let an American-made device like this into Chinese homes.”

Li inclined his head. “My government can be quite reasonable at times.”

Davenport stared at him. “Wait. You don’t just want the licensing; you want to be able to make it yourself. You want to be able to install Jenny in every home because then it becomes a listening device that can not only record everything that’s happening but with the AI, your government could tailor the answers to any questions the user asks so they reflect the government’s doctrine.” Davenport hit the table lightly with his hand. “That is slick.”

Li raised his eyebrows. “Is that not what you’re doing? What Bezos and Jobs have already done? A device that records all it hears is in every home. In multiple rooms in many homes. Jenny will let your government do the same thing. Tailor and kept track of all answers provided.”

Davenport shook his head. “Not at all. I mean it is possible, but my company is not run by the government, and we have laws against such things.”

“Do you?” Li asked.

It was a legitimate argument. Cash knew they did not have any of those devices in any Society location for just those reasons. They also didn’t like smartwatches. Archer was very vigilant about intrusive technology.

“Regardless,” Davenport started, “Jenny doesn’t have government control in the same way. And all that aside, why should I let you license my creation? You are working on a proprietary version of your own. You could just steal my proprietary software and AI and call it your own. The fact that you’re involved with the triads does not make it better.”

Li stared down the table at Davenport. The other man had just accused him of being a thief. Not something that went down well with most businessmen. and pointing out Li’s connection to the triads… a dumbshit move. Cash’s gun rested on his chest and he moved it ever so slightly, so it was pointing more towards Li’s end of the table. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by Li.

“You would be well compensated. My understanding is you might need a bit of capital at the moment. I believe your deadline to open a new campus in Europe is fast approaching and you have not yet secured a location.”

Davenport’s face was shuttered. Li definitely hit a nerve.

“We could help each other,” Li pressed.

“I see, and how much were you thinking?” Davenport appeared relaxed but he’d taken his right hand off the table and was currently drumming his fingers on his thigh.

Li smiled like he’d caught a big fish. “I am sure we could come to some agreement. Billions, to be sure.”

Davenport stayed still for a moment before asking, “And what exactly do you want?”

“To be able to manufacture and produce Jenny for the whole of China. We can discuss other regions like India and parts of Africa as well. We would, of course, need access to your data and your code.”

“No.” Davenport shook his head. “Absolutely not.”

“Derek,” Li started, “it doesn’t make sense to not provide us with your code. That’s the whole deal.”

Davenport stood. “I am sorry, Chang. Your offer was interesting but there is just no way my investors would go for it. I am sorry.” He picked up his pad of paper and pen and headed out of the room.

Li stood slowly and watched him go. He turned back to Cash and cocked his head. “I think there are some issues perhaps.”

Cash was inclined to agree but what did he know? He didn’t really care either.
