Page 55 of Locked Out

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“Me? No. I sleep with earbuds in. I listen to ambient sounds to help me relax. Why? Do you think I would’ve heard Vanessa scream?”

“No. She didn’t scream. Her death was quick. It was Ms. Day who screamed.”

“Sorry, I missed that,” he said with a smirk. “I’d like to be the one to make her scream.”

Cash involuntarily fisted his hands.

Archer glanced at him but said nothing. “Sorry again to have disturbed you.” He turned and pushed Cash ahead of him out the door. In the hallway, he turned to Cash. “The man is repugnant but do not hit him. He is within his right to make comments. Don’t break the rules or I will have to enforce the consequences.” He sighed. “What is it with all of you? First Rush, then Flynn, and now you. You are all becoming pains in my ass.”

Cash said nothing but headed towards the security area. He needed a chance to cool down or someone was going to end up dead and it wasn’t going to be him.


Riss swore as she stepped out of the shower. She’d made the water so damn hot her skin was bright red all over. Drying herself quickly, she picked through her clothes. She’d brought way too much but since she’d had no idea what to expect, she’d packed for every occasion. She pulled on a fresh pair of jeans and a deep indigo vee-neck sweater. Fuck Cash. Fuck him. Who the hell did he think he was? The sentiment was a variation on the theme running through her thoughts for the last hour and a half.

She pulled her hair into a loose bun at the nape of her neck and applied make-up. She took a final look in the mirror and decided she looked damn good. Screw you, Cash Walker. She wasn’t going to hide in her room. Hell, maybe she’d even flirt with Davenport. Then again…maybe not. She had enough trouble and sure as hell didn’t need more.

Her cheeks puffed out as she exhaled. She needed to get over this. Focus on finding out about the bible, locating this O’Toole, and learning who her birth family was, then get the hell out of here. Put the Lock and Key Society in the rearview mirror and not look back.

Not even for Cash.

She strode purposefully toward the kitchen. Breakfast had been hours ago, and she was starving or at least she would be on any normal day. Today she just felt like shit. She was done feeling sorry for herself though. She was on a mission. She had to find O'Toole so she could maybe find the family bible. She would focus all her energy on that.

Riss walked into the kitchen to find Dominick and Mrs. Munari eating at the oversized island. Biscotti was at their feet. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” She started to back out of the room.

Dominick hopped up. “Not at all, was there something you needed?”

“Er, no. It’s fine.” She immediately felt badly about disturbing what was obviously a lovely domestic scene. Nice to see an older couple still in love. The dog just made it all that more poignant. “I can come back.”

“You missed lunch.” Dominick shook his head. “We can’t have that.” He gestured to another stool and said, “Please sit. I’ll pull together something for you. Would a sandwich be okay?”

“I don’t want to disturb your lunch.” The knot in the pit of her stomach was growing.

“He won’t let you get away without feeding you, cara.” Mrs. Munari smiled. “Join us. Biscotti would love someone else giving him scraps.”

Reluctantly, Riss took a seat as Dominick bustled around the kitchen. “The others had lunch a short time ago. We offered pasta and a Neapolitan pizza, but I’m afraid they ate it all up. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Davis’s unexpected appearance last evening has thrown off the menu a bit. Antonio is at the market now getting more supplies so I’m afraid we’ll just have to make do. I can order something to be delivered for you if you prefer?” Dominick stopped moving with bread in his hands and his eyebrows at his hairline.

“Please don’t go to any trouble. A sandwich is fine. It’s all I eat at home.”

“Horrible about this morning,” Mrs. Munari said. “Just horrible. I hope it hasn’t upset you too greatly.” She gave Biscotti a piece of meat from her sandwich and the dog wagged his tail as he ate.

“I’m…okay I guess.” Riss was the farthest thing from okay, but it had very little to do with Vanessa’s death.

“This place, the Society, it takes some getting used to. But we’ve found that if you keep your head down and your nose out of everyone’s business, then things run smoothly.”

Riss smiled at her. “Sage advice.” Too bad she wasn’t going to take it. Dominick put a plate with roast beef on what looked like homemade white bread sandwich in front of her. He’d thrown a few potato chips on the side. “Thanks. It looks delicious.” She ate a chip and felt a weight on her leg. Glancing down she met the longing gaze in a set of big brown eyes. “Someone likes potato chips, I think.”

“Someone does,” Dominick confirmed as he sat down across the island from her to finish his meal.

“May I?” she gestured towards Biscotti with a chip.

“I would be offended if you didn’t.” Dominick took a bite of his sandwich.

Riss fed the dog a couple of chips and then started eating. As she ate in companionable silence a new thought came to her. She swallowed. Here goes nothing. “Do either of you know someone by the last name of O'Toole?”

“William O'Toole?” Dominick asked.

“I’m not sure. Just looking for someone named O'Toole. Alicia left a…note with that name on it.”
