Page 70 of Locked Out

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“I can have them brought down,” Cash offered.

Archer tilted his head. “No. Li is leaving in an hour. Wait until he’s gone and then invite everyone down to the library for cocktail hour. Tell Dominick and Lena.”

“You have a plan?”

“Always.” Archer’s smile was so cold Cash could have sworn icicles hung off the corners of his mouth.


Riss curled up in the corner of the sofa, staring at the wall of books across the room, but not really seeing them. How long should she wait for Archer to make up his mind? She’d sulked in her room for most of the day but now she needed to move, burn off some of the angry energy that hadn’t abated.

The moment she came out of her room, she bumped into Cash on the stairs. She wanted in equal parts to push him to his death and pull him to her room. No matter how much her heart still stung from his betrayal, their night together haunted her. What she’d experienced with Cash had been different from any other partner she’d had. She knew he felt it too. He demanded she admit she was his. Hell, he’d even left the first time when she refused to answer his demand. Was it all some weird sex game? Well, if it was, it worked. He’d won. She hated him and loved him simultaneously which made her hate him even more.

She brushed passed him avoiding eye contact. He didn’t stop her. Dejected and frustrated, she hurried into the library, hoping to compose herself away from prying eyes.

No such luck. Dominick entered the room with a tray of hors d’oeuvres. “Riss,” he greeted her with a smile, “I didn’t know you were in here.”

“Yes, just hanging out.” She glanced around. “Where’s Biscotti?”

Dominick leaned down. “With all the fuss, I thought it better to keep him in the kitchen for a few days. Better if Mr. Gray doesn’t see him just now.”

“I am so sorry, Dominick. I didn’t think about the consequences to you and Biscotti when I used the dog door.”

“Never you mind. You did what you had to do. We certainly don’t hold it against you one bit. Just better if Biscotti is out of sight for a bit. Cash, like Mr. Gray, will be leaving soon and then the pressure will be off.”

She made a small sound in the back of her throat at the mention of Cash’s name. She was supposed to be leaving soon. She had to be back at work next week. Then she could put all of this behind her.

“I must say,” Dominick started fussing with setting up the table in the corner for the food, “Mr. Walker was molto turbato when you went missing. Very upset.”

Riss snorted. “He was just annoyed because I got out without him knowing. It made him look bad.”

Dominick stopped. “Oh, he was more than annoyed. He was molto turbato. He cares for you.” She snorted. “I’m Italiano, I know these things. Mrs. Munari knows as well. She says the same thing. He cares very much for you.”

The devil in question walked into the room. Riss glared at him but after giving her a passing glance, he ignored her completely. “Dominick, is everything set for cocktails?”

“All set. Just getting this table ready. Do you think we should put up the leaves to make it slightly larger?”

Cash squatted down, lifted the tablecloth, and started fussing with the table.

Sure, he cared all right. She grimaced as she caught Dominick’s eye. The elderly gentleman put a finger alongside his nose and winked. Then Cash finished whatever he was doing and stood up.

“Thank you,” Dominick said as he straightened the tablecloth. Then he put the first tray of cheeses out on the table. He gave Riss another wink as he left the room.

Cash popped a piece of cheese in his mouth and started out.

“When can I leave?” she blurted out. She wanted to be angry at him and she was, but she didn’t want him to leave her.

“Whenever you want. We believe the danger has passed.” Cash stood there staring at her. “You’re free to go.” The pulse in his jaw was jumping. What the hell did he have to be angry about?

“You betrayed me. You slept with me and then took my family bible. That was mean and uncalled for. You used me.”

Cash jammed his hands in his pockets. “Hmm, I wasn’t the only one taking advantage of the situation, was I, kitten? You lied to me. You left without telling me, risked your life, and then lied to my face when I asked you if you had the book.”

She was on her feet in an instant. “But it’s my family’s bible. It’s the only connection to them I have. I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d confiscate it. How could you take it? You know how important it is to me. You’ve known since the beginning I was desperate to find any connection to my family. Did you even pause before you decided to use me to find the book?” All the hurt was building in her chest.

Cash stalked around the table until he was mere inches from her. “I did my job. You knew I wanted the book. I didn’t hide that. My job was to keep you safe, but you knew best, right? You just waltzed out of here, not even considering I might be out of my mind with worry. Your sister died doing the very same thing. How do you think it made me feel when I found out you decided to repeat history? I mean…” He paused and cupped his nape. “Did it even occur to you that I might panic or worry about you?”

“I—I—” she sputtered. In truth, it hadn’t occurred to her that he would worry that much. “But I needed that book. A chance to find a connection to my birth family, it was too much to pass up, Cash.”
