Page 71 of Locked Out

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Cash propped his hands on his hips. “You could have told me, and I would’ve taken you.”

“But you would’ve taken the book. Bill O’Toole might not have even given it to me.”

“We’ll never know, will we? You lied to me and sneaked out on your own and then you lied to me again about having the book. Save your righteous anger for someone else. I’m not buying it.” He spun and started to walk away.

Riss reached out and grabbed his arm. She dropped her voice. “You used me. You slept with me and then took the book, my book.”

He glared at her. “You knew I wanted that book. I never hid that fact, nor did I lie to you about it. And I don’t recall you being forced to have me in your bed. If I remember correctly, you were happy I was there, so don’t try and make this about me treating you badly. It won’t wash. Go home, Riss. You’re not wanted here.”

The truth of his words hit her like a sucker punch to the gut. He was right. He hadn’t lied about wanting the bible. He hadn’t told her that he knew her birth name but that was the only lie he’d told and that was a lie of omission. He’d been upfront about everything. He’d taken the bible because that was his job. He didn’t wake her because she’d lied to him, that had broken their trust. And now he didn’t want her. That fact hurt the most. She wanted Cash badly, needed him in fact and he’d just made it clear he was done with her. All the strength went out of her legs and she crashed back down on the sofa.


“Thank you all for attending. I know it’s been an odd couple of days and some of you have concerns, so I wanted to put your minds at ease,” Archer began.

“It’s going to take a lot more than canapes and champagne to do that,” Dimon snarked as he popped another hors d’oeuvre in his mouth.

Cash stood by the door, dressed in a charcoal shirt and dark gray slacks. He was trying to blend in but mostly he wanted to throat-punch the lot of them. He was tired and pissed off mostly because Riss was hurting because of him. She was angry about the bible and he didn’t blame her. He did know how much the book meant to her, but he’d been upfront about his mission to get it from the beginning. Sure, he got her point about him sleeping with her and then stealing it. But she had to see his side of things. His parting shot to her about going home had started a churn in his gut that still hadn’t settled. He needed her gone. It was the only way he’d get over her but the pain on her face made him feel ill.

Archer gave Dimon a stare that had the other man swallowing hard and grabbing more food. Idiot. He was the only one above suspicion here. Cash had done some research and discovered that Dimon had come here to have some time away with his mistress, but they’d fought. When she kicked him out of the hotel, he moved in here. Turned out he’d made a reservation just in case. Apparently, they fought a lot. He was due to leave tomorrow.

“Perhaps, Daniel, you would like to go say goodbye to your friend. I know you’re both leaving tomorrow.”

All the color left Dimon’s face. “I know an invitation to leave when I hear one. Good night then.” He left the room in a hurry without a backward glance.

“Archer, why would you chase him off? He’s not a bad sort.” Davis’s customary drawl rankled Cash, who made a fist to keep from slapping the man silly.

“What I have to say doesn’t concern him, or Ms. Day, for that matter,” he nodded at her sitting in the corner of the sofa.

In her clinging blue sweater dress, and her hair curled around her shoulders, she looked sexy as hell. But sadness lurked in her eyes, and it was a gut punch to know he’d put it there. He reasoned that she’d brought it on herself by not trusting him, but that did nothing to chase away the pain in his chest. He rubbed his sternum absently.

Archer continued, “But I have invited her to stay since so much has happened to her these last few days that had nothing to do with her and everything to do with all of you.”

“While I’m as up for parlor games as the next man, this does seem to be gettin' a little bit borin’. Maybe we could move on?” Davis circled his hand in a keep things moving kind of gesture that made Cash want to snap the man’s wrist.

Davis stood next to the makeshift bar waiting while Dominick poured him a whisky. Fisher was beside him. Davenport was on the far side of the couch with Poppy in between him and Riss.

Peter stood next to the food table. “I don’t know, Davis, I’m interested to hear what Archer has to say for himself. With everything that’s happened and all the broken rules I, for one, would like to know what he’s thinking.”

Cash moved so his body blocked the exit. Dante and Antonio were outside waiting as backup. Louis was down watching the cameras in case anyone outside approached.

Archer’s smile was cold as he inclined his head towards Peter. “I’m so glad to hear you say that. You won’t mind then if I start with you.”

“Me?” Peter pointed at himself. “By all means, this should be entertaining.”

“You shouldn’t jump to conclusions,” Archer warned mildly. “You see Peter it has come to my attention that you and Poppy are hiring yourselves out as corporate spies. I use that phrase but I’m sure you’re doing domestic stuff as well but in this case, it was corporate.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Peter said and happily munched on another canape.

Poppy pulled herself up straight making her back ridged. “Well, I’ve never been so insult?—”

Archer stopped her with one of his patented looks. He rested his butt on the front of the desk in the corner opposite Cash. “I know you used to work for the CIA, but you were let go because they caught you with your hand in the cookie jar one too many times. Peter,” he nodded toward the man, “is your husband. You’re both American so you can drop the accents.”

Cash savored the surprised expression on Peter’s face. He’d really thought they wouldn’t find out apparently. It hadn’t taken much digging once Archer got access to a couple of secure databases. Poppy was still trying to bluster through, but no doubt, she’d deflate shortly.

“You see,” Archer continued, “you two got greedy. Poppy approached Davenport to hire the pair of you to find out what Li was up to, while Peter did the same with Li. Then the two of you exchanged information and decided what to feed to whom. Too bad you didn’t find anything for either of them. Vanessa owed Mr. Li so she volunteered to do the same thing but then she failed and called attention to herself not only by getting caught in Davenport’s room but by breaking into Riss’s room because she thought Riss had beaten her to it, so Li had to have her taken out.”

Davenport stared daggers at Poppy and then Peter.
