Page 73 of Locked Out

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Cash was there leaning on the wall beside the door as if he’d been waiting for her. “He gave it to you.”

“I’m sure you had something to do with it.”

His nod was curt. “Will you be leaving tomorrow?”

He’d made his feelings clear earlier, but the question still pierced her heart like a knife. She fought not to let her pain show. “Yes. I guess I should find a flight.”

He offered her a paper ticket, rare enough in and of itself, but then he said. “Eleven a.m. flight. I’ll arrange transportation.”

“Thanks,” she whispered.

He nodded again and then went through the door behind the stairs.


Riss rubbed her gritty eyes. She’d stayed awake most of the night reading her family bible which wasn’t a bible at all. It was an account of the family’s lives starting with her great, great grandfather, and then her great-grandfather, and then her grandfather. It talked of everyday things like harvests and sheep, birthdays, and Christmases. It spoke of weddings and funerals and the cycles of life. It couldn’t have been a more exciting or moving read. There was even a section in the back that looked like it was recipes of some kind.

A little after five a.m., she nodded off, the book resting on her chest like a beloved gift.

Now it was time to go home. She’d had about two hours sleep but she could sleep on the transatlantic flight. She dragged her ass out of bed and grabbed a quick shower. She put her hair up and pulled on jeans and a sweater. Tossing her belongings into her bag took about ten minutes and then she headed down to the kitchen to say goodbye.

“Biscotti,” she said as she bent down to rub the dog’s ears. “I’m going to miss you.”

“He is going to miss you, too.” Mrs. Munari smiled at her.

“Yes, he will,” Dominick agreed as he set a plate of bacon and eggs on the countertop in front of her customary stool and then brought coffee.

“You two are spoiling me. I’m going to miss you both. If you’re ever in New York, promise you’ll come visit.”

Dominick smiled. “Deal,” he winked.

Riss made sure to airdrop her info to his phone. “I would love to see you both any time.”

“You can always come back and visit us, cara,” Mrs. Munari commented.

“Maybe.” Highly unlikely, though. Venice held too many memories both good and bad for her to return.

She ate her breakfast and then drank two cups of coffee.

“Time to go.” She got up off the stool and gave them both hugs. Then she scratched Biscotti’s ears once again. She took a quick look around hoping Cash might appear, but no one entered the kitchen.

“He’s gone, cara. Left first thing this morning.” Mrs. Munari gave her a sad smile. “You need to reach out to him. He cares more than you know.”

“Now Lena, don’t interfere,” Dominick scolded lightly. Then he turned to Riss. “She’s usually right about these things.”

“Usually?” Mrs. Munari snorted. “Always. Trust me, dear.”

Riss laughed. “We’ll see.” She gave the older woman another quick hug and then she walked back to the foyer.

* * *

When Riss entered the entry hall, Dante was waiting by the front door. Davenport, Fisher, and Davis were by the library doorway. “Gentlemen,” Riss said by way of a greeting, but they seemed to be too engrossed in conversation to notice her.

Cash noticed her. He was standing just by the door to the security area. No one had noticed him behind the stairs. He was keeping an ear to Davenport, Fisher, and Davis’s conversation. They were up to something. At least that was his excuse. Really, he just wanted to see Riss. She looked beautiful as always, but the air of sadness around her had become too familiar. Dark circles under her eyes were unmistakable now and it made him want to protect her more than ever. But, he’d been kidding himself. She might have claimed to be his, but she wasn’t. She didn’t want to be. She was truly his kryptonite. The thing that made him weak and confused. It was better they weren’t together. No matter how many times he told himself that, it didn’t hurt any less.

“And when do you think you’ll be able to procure this land? The deadline is approaching,” Fisher said in a somewhat pained tone. “We’ve been supporting you so far but it’s really coming down to the wire. The backers in the EU will not be happy if you don’t make an announcement soon. That would put a big crimp in our plans.”

Davenport looked like he wanted to strangle Fisher. “I said I would have it soon and I will.”
