Page 74 of Locked Out

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“Where is it?” Davis asked. “You never did say.”

“Just outside Dublin. There’s only one minor obstacle in place and I am taking care of that this morning.”

“Glad to hear it. I look forward to a report of good news then in the next few days,” Fisher said in a tone that made it clear that Davenport better make it happen.

Interesting that Davenport was beholden to Fisher and Davis. What did that mean?

Dante walked up to the group. “Mr. Davenport, I’ll be taking you and Ms. Day to the mainland where cars are waiting to take you to the airport.”

Riss looked like she’d rather walk but all she said was, “I’ll just go get my bags.”

“They’ve already been moved to the boat out front.”

“Great.” She glanced around as if she was looking for something but then said, “Let’s go,” and walked out the door.

* * *

“I thought you were gone,” Archer said as Cash entered the conference room.

“I had to get things settled with Umberti. As much as I hate that guy, I wasn’t going to stiff him for the work he did. Don’t worry I’ll file an expense report.”

Archer grunted. “You made sure he knew we had the bible and nothing of interest was left in it?”

“Yeah,” Cash leaned against the wall, “but it was weird. He wanted to know where it was now and if Riss had it. I told him it was none of his business. But why would it matter? I was explicit that nothing in it would be of interest to anyone so why was he still interested?”

“That is curious.” Archer cocked his head. “Ms. Day left?”

“A minute ago,” Cash confirmed. He didn’t want to talk about it. He’d watched her go and take his heart with her out the door, but it was for the best. She tended to cloud his thinking and more importantly, she didn’t trust him enough to tell him the truth. He couldn’t stand a liar.

“We will have to deal with her at some point. Do you think she’ll stay in New York?”

“Not sure. I imagine she’ll visit her family’s homestead wherever that is, in Ireland.”

“Outside Dublin,” Archer supplied.

“Where’s Antonio and Louis? There’s no one here.”

Archer’s face lit with a demonic smile. “Antonio is consoling his aunt. Louis is off to Mongolia and his mother is bereft.”

Cash started to smile, and it grew into a chuckle and soon he was doubled over with laughter. “Mongolia. He’s gonna love that.”

Archer snorted. “He asked for a pay raise, so I gave it to him. He went willingly. I don’t think he had any clue where he was going.” He grinned. “To be fair, if he does a good job there and doesn’t get into any trouble, I’ll move him back somewhere closer.”

Cash wiped his eyes. “Probably the best thing for him. He’ll either figure it out or he won’t but this will be the deciding factor.” He shook his head and chuckled some more. “Anyway, I’m all packed. Is it okay if I take the jet to get to D.C.?”

Archer’s phone rang. “Sure,” he said as he answered it. “Gray.”

Turning, Cash headed back to the control room. It was empty. He took a last glance at the cameras. Everything looked good. Biscotti trotted on screen using his dog door to go for his usual breakfast run. Good for him. Cash momentarily envied the dog. Life was sorted. A warm bed, lots of food, and people who loved him. Nothing better.

Cash sat down hard on a chair. When had his thinking changed so radically? He used to be up for anything and now he wanted to be a dog. Shit. He had to shake his thing for Riss. This attraction was fucking with his mind.

Except… There’d been signs and signals before Riss. He wasn’t so keen to move around so much anymore. He’d set up an escape plan instead of staying with the Society to the bitter end. The fact that he wanted a life after was a change. He still wasn’t afraid of death nor did he want to die. He wanted to live. It seemed like it had been a long time since he lived. Now he wanted a life or at least some semblance of one. And try as he might, he couldn’t picture that life without Riss. Didn’t he owe it to himself to try for a life, for happiness with her?

He got up and went back to the board room.

“Change of plans,” Archer said. He was packing up the paperwork in front of him. “I have to fly to Morocco. You’re going to have to fly back commercial.”

Cash glanced at his watch and smiled. He should make it to the airport in time to catch the same flight as Riss. He could go to New York and then head to D.C. tomorrow. “No worries.”
