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As soon as I entered the house, I was greeted by a smell that made it feel like I had walked into a fancy Italian restaurant. Curious, I made my way to the kitchen and opened the oven to find the source.

“Caught you!”

I turned and found Aubrey standing in the doorway. I chuckled and smiled as I closed the oven and put my hands up in defeat. “Just looking. It smells amazing; what is it?”

“I made stuffed shells with garlic bread. It’s a little different than my mom’s because she makes the pasta herself, and I am just not that good.” She laughed, making fun of herself.

God, her laugh was perfect. It seemed like everything about this girl was.

She shrugged like it was no big deal. “Something simple and easy that I love to make.”

I smiled at her. “Well, it smells amazing.”

I realized she had sauce on her nose when she looked at me again. I reached to wipe it off.

She let out a small gasp when my finger touched her skin. Her hand went to where I touched. “Uh, thanks.” She turned back around. “That sauce would have been there all night knowing me. I’m so messy. I will be done in about twenty minutes if you want to freshen up and come back.”

I leaned in like I was going to say something in her ear, but I veered at the last minute and sniffed the sauce. I heard her breath hitch again. “Yeah, I think I’ll do that.”

Dinner was phenomenal. All three of us were giving Aubrey compliment after compliment. She must not be used to being praised for things because she bit her lip while trying to keep her blush under control a few times. It was just about the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. It made my dick jump every time. This girl is doing shit to me…and I don’t hate it.

We all went to the den after dinner to chat more. We even taught her how to play Canasta, which is Pops’ favorite card game. She is just as competitive as him; it was really funny. She wrapped herself in a blanket and sat on one of the chairs. She had pieces of hair falling down around her face.

She is beautiful. I can tell she doesn’t realize how desirable she truly is. I kept stealing glances, and she caught me staring a few times.

My parents headed to bed around eight o’clock. They told her to leave the dishes for tomorrow. Pops pulled me aside before he went upstairs.

“Lincoln, give the sex eyes a rest, please. You’re going to scare the girl. Don’t fuck this up.”

I chuckled, “I can’t help it, she’s fucking beautiful.”

He gripped onto my bicep, “Try harder.” He gave me that stern look like I was in trouble.

Aubrey said goodnight and went upstairs, or so I thought. I was cleaning up the den when I heard her in the kitchen. I heard the water in the sink turn on. I walked through the doorway to the kitchen, and she was startled when I spoke, “You don’t follow directions very well, do you?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

She smiled over her shoulder at me. “I only take directions when I need to.”

I don’t know if she meant it to sound like an innuendo, but my dick sure thought she did. She bit her lip as she returned to the sink, which told me she was blushing.

My eyebrows went up in surprise, and a smile played at the corner of my mouth because I didn’t know what to say for a second, and I don’t get thrown off that often. She was being sassy and I really fucking liked it. I walked up behind her and whispered, “Need any help?”

She turned her head toward me. “With what? Directions? I think I can manage.”

Her beautiful eyes caught mine. I was a bit surprised she was being so bold. Then she turned back to the sink again and shook her head no. I smiled.

I leaned in a little closer so my lips would almost brush her earlobe. “Have a good night, beautiful girl.”

I heard her breath hitch and watched her body tense. She cleared her throat, “You too, Lincoln.”

It made me smile even more as I walked away because I knew I was having an effect on her. Then I called over my shoulder.

“Call me Link.”


I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. At one o’clock A.M., I was startled awake by a noise. I am sure I will get used to the new noises around. Now that I was awake, I couldn’t get my mind to relax to get back to sleep. I went downstairs, hoping I was quiet enough and didn’t wake anyone. I figured a drink and maybe a small snack might help. Stress-eating champion over here.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. I heard a groan of some sort come from behind me. I grabbed the clean pan that I had left on the counter to dry and turned around, holding onto it for dear life. My heart was racing when I turned and saw it was just Lincoln sitting at the table.
