Page 39 of The Devil's Vice

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“Or what?” The snarky comment comes out before I can stop it, and I gulp at the way Kain’s gaze darkens.

“Don’t ask questions you’re not ready for, little flower,” he growls. “What do you want for breakfast?”

“Breakfast?” Is that what time it is?

“Yes, breakfast.” He cocks his head. “I assume you eat?” The swift change of subject makes my head spin. Or it could be the smell of his shampoo wafting off his dripping black waves. I’m not really sure.

“I’m not really hungry.” I bristle, crossing my arms over my chest. At the same time, my stomach rumbles, and I glare down at the treacherous organ.

Kain’s silver eye narrows menacingly. “I’m going to make you something. Put these on and wait for me in the bedroom.”

I take the faded tee from his hands, realizing fighting him on this will have the same outcome as the bathing situation. I just have to hope he doesn’t plan to poison me.



I storm outside, my fist clenching at my side as I make my way over to the large glass structure at the edge of the clearing. The need I have for Lillith muddles my thoughts, and for a moment, I forget why I even came out to the greenhouse.

Right. Omelet stuff.

I shake my head and shove open the door, and a blast of condensation engulfs me. I breathe in that intoxicating scent of earth and rainwater, then hasten to the row of tomato vines on the back wall.

Living as far as I do from civilization has many perks, but it’s a bitch and a half to get groceries, especially on a bike. I tried growing my own food out back of the cabin but quickly realized the soil and moisture weren’t right for the delicate food crops. Hence the greenhouse.

I pluck a juicy red tomato from the vine, something like a smile toying at my mouth. I spend so much of my life destroying things that I forget how good it feels to create. Sure, the plant grew the fruit, but I watered the soil and pollinated its buds. And now, I can use it to make a delicious breakfast for my Lillith.

I grab a handful of spinach from the herb box, then walk back to a cabin, my steps a little lighter. I don’t know what emotion bubbles in my chest, but if the books are right, then I think I’m…excited. Excited to make Lillith breakfast. I’m not sure what to make of that, but I don’t want to think about it anymore.

I force the emotion into a little box at the back of my mind as I place my ingredients on the kitchen counter. I lean on the edge of the marble, staring down at the veg blankly. What else goes in an omelet, again?

I rub a hand over my face, hoping that will clear some of my fog. This is not good. I can’t focus on shit. All my thoughts keep swirling back to the temptress in my bedroom, reminding me what I could be doing to her right now.

“Fuck,” I groan, slamming my fist down on the counter. An omelet needs eggs. Fucking dipshit. I curse, turning to the fridge and pulling out the carton. It’s infuriatingly light, and I curse myself for not picking up more when I was in the city the other day. Protein is one of the things I haven’t been able to keep, considering my lack of ability to care for an animal.

I flip open the carton and let out a sigh of relief. At least there’s enough to make Lillith one. I’ll just pick something up for me later. I work quickly to prep the veg and eggs, and in less than five minutes, a perfect fluffy omelet is on its way to the bedroom.

“Lillith?” I knock once, then burst into the bedroom. I barely have enough time to duck as a pillow is lodged at my head, and I straighten with a scowl. The fuck?

She throws another, but her aim is so off I don’t even have to dodge.

“I know what you’re trying to do, and I’m not falling for it!” she snaps, her back pressed against the headboard with a wild look in her eyes.

“I’m trying to feed you…” I roll my eye as I step toward the bed. Every time I leave her alone, she gets so fucking sassy.

“More like poison me.” Her eyes narrow on the dish in my hand. “I’ve seen enough Lifetime movies to know how this ends. You play Mr. Nice Guy to get my guard down, and then BAM! My skin is being made into a lampshade.”

I regard her expression, realizing that she’s being deadly serious. “I have zero desire to turn you into a lamp, Lillith.” I take a bite, raising my brows as I chew slowly. “See? It’s good. I grew the veggies myself.”

This doesn’t seem to be the right thing to say. Her eyes flash with alarm a moment before narrowing on me. “How stupid do you think I am? You didn’t grow shit. What’s wrong with it?”

I sigh, holding the back of a fork out to her with a stern expression. “I would never hurt you, Lillith. Eat.”

“Yet you had no qualms about knocking me unconscious last night.”

My chest squeezes with something like guilt, but I quickly force it away. “I had to.” You wouldn’t have come with me otherwise.

The look in her eyes makes my heart ache, and I’d do anything to make her stop. Doesn’t she see? I had to take her in order to protect her. I had to.
