Page 40 of The Devil's Vice

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“Just fucking eat. You haven’t eaten in days,” I growl, flipping the fork around and breaking off a piece of the omelet. Once it’s secure, I push it toward her mouth, but she weaves her head anytime I get close to her lips. “God-fucking-dammit, Lillith!” I growl, losing what shred of patience I have left. “Just take a bite!”


Without thinking, I lunge forward, straddling her waist to immobilize her as I pry her jaw open. She tries to fight it, but I’m far stronger than her, even with one arm. I push the bite of omelet in her mouth, then use my grip on her jaw to make her chew it.

“Swallow,” I order, holding her mouth closed. My eye darkens at the defiant gleam in hers, and I shake my head with a sigh. Stubborn woman. I drop the fork and use my free hand to pinch her nose close. Her beautiful emeralds go wide as saucers as her oxygen is cut off, and her legs flail against the mattress.

“Swallow, and you get it back,” I murmur, keeping my gaze locked on hers. “It’s as simple as that, Lillith. Submit.” A tear falls from the corner of her eye as her throat bobs. She looks like she wants to kill me right now, and it makes me so fucking hard. I love coaxing that fire of hers to the surface.

“Good girl,” I whisper, dropping my hands from her mouth and nose. She sucks in a deep breath, her chest rising rapidly with the intake.

“You’re a fucking monster,” she chokes, shoving weakly at my chest. “I hate you.”

“No, you don’t, flower,” I murmur, leaning down so our lips are inches apart. Not even a little bit. Her breath hitches, and as soon as her eyes flutter closed, I take her bottom lip between my teeth. A dark chuckle bubbles in my chest as she bucks her hips toward me, and I know I’m right. “Remember, Lillith. I know how twisted you really are.” She’s been craving me her whole life. Someone to force her to give up that control she holds so dear. Someone to unravel her and hold her together when it’s all over.

Her pulse increases, but she doesn’t speak. A smile carves its way onto my face as I cup her cheek. “Let me break you, Lillith.” I promise you’ll only regret it for a little while.

Her cheeks flush, and she looks away for the first time since I came into the room. Her eyes glass over with that faraway look, and disappointment cracks my chest wide open. Pushing now will only drive her further into that mind of hers, so I pull away. There’s a flash of longing in her eyes when I climb off the bed, but I know it’s not enough. She’s not ready.

“Do you want to see the greenhouse?” I ask, already moving toward the door.


“The greenhouse. Do you want to see it?”

“I, um…” She twists the chain of her necklace around her thumb, showing how nervous I’ve really made her. Fuck.

“It’s not a trick, Lillith. If you don’t want to see it…”

“No! I want to see it.” She bounces off the bed, a gleam of hope flashing in her eyes. “I mean—please, can you show it to me?”

Alarm bells go off in my mind, but this is the first time I’ve seen something close to a look of happiness on her face. If only she was more relaxed, it would be identical to the time I saw her feeding the bird…

“Okay.” A hint of a smile tugs at my lips as I hold open the bedroom door for her. “Let’s go outside.”



This is it. This is my chance to escape.

I try to keep my hope suppressed as I step over to the door, my hand already encircling the handle. I turn, but it doesn’t budge.

What the fuck?

“It’s locked from the inside.”

I turn to face him and smack right into his chest. Before I have time to move away, his arm circles my waist, holding me hostage against his naked abdomen.

“I didn’t say you could go outside looking like this, Lillith,” he murmurs, holding up something in his other hand I hadn’t noticed before. A collar.

“I’m not a fucking dog,” I snarl, reeling back as he moves the device toward my neck. “No way.”

Kain just rolls his eye, stepping forward until my back is flush against the door. Using his body to pin me, he grabs my wrists in one hand and holds them above my head while the other works the leather collar around my neck.

“Hey! Stop that, you big brute!” I snap, whipping my head around to make it as difficult as possible for him. Turns out, it doesn’t slow him down in the slightest.

Kain steps back with a satisfied glint in his eye. “You look so beautiful collared, Lillith.”
