Page 42 of The Devil's Vice

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“I’m assuming you’re lacking in that department?”

He snaps his head back, something like offense flashing across his face. “Is that what you think?”

Well, I mean, only one of us kidnapped someone. “If it walks like a duck…”

His brow knits. “What do ducks have to do with this?”

“No, it’s a figure of speech. Like, a duck walks a certain way, so when you see something walk like a duck… you know what? Never mind.” I sigh, forcing my head straight and continuing toward the greenhouse. I only get a few feet before I’m yanked back by the pesky collar, though.

“Ow! Why the hell are you just standing there?”

“You’re a strange little thing…” he mutters, examining my furious expression with intent. “You’re not… scared of me. Are you?”

My stomach flips, then tries to come out of my mouth. “I… why are you asking me that? Of course I am. You’re a scary dude.”

“No… you’re not.” His head tips with an ever-curious expression. “I thought you were the night I took you. But that wasn’t it. You’re scared of yourself.”

“That’s preposterous.” I snort. But is it? Am I? I feel pretty damn scared when he’s around. The question becomes: is it with me, like he says?

I should have paid more attention in my psychiatry rounds.

Kain nods, like it’s decided, then pushes open the door to the greenhouse. A blast of hot air encases me, and I choke on how wet it feels.

“Come on.” He tugs on the leash, and I stumble inside. After shooting a well-deserved glare his way, I straighten and take in my surroundings. Huh. This is kind of impressive, actually.

Various colored veggies and fruits grow in rows from where we stand to the back of the structure, their metal posts straining from the weight of the ripened fruit. He’s got one of everything: squash, tomato, carrots, and berries, as far as the eye can see. And then, tucked in the far corner, is a suspicious plant with short, green leaves branching out from the center like a star.

“Is that… the devil’s lettuce?” I turn to him, wide-eyed. A deep eleven forms between Kain’s brows as he looks toward the marijuana plant.

“The what?”

“The devil’s lettuce!” I throw my hands up in exasperation. “You know, Mary Jane, grass, pot… any of these ringing a bell? I’m asking if you’re growing a weed plant.”

Kain’s face twitches like he’s holding back a smile. “I didn’t know you were so passionate about it. And yes, though anyone with eyes can see that.”

I huff, turning toward a row of bright red tomatoes, fully aware my face is slowly turning the same color. “I’m not sure why I’m trying to make conversation.”

“I appreciate it. Especially…what did you call it? The devil’s spinach?”

Against my wishes, a giggle bubbles from my mouth. “Lettuce. But close enough.”

“Ah.” His dark gaze holds mine, and electricity crackles between us. My pulse races as I fight the pull of his energy, beckoning me to give in to my deepest desires.

Kain reaches a hand toward my face, and though I know I should back away, I lean into his touch. A calloused thumb brushes my cheek, and I go limp, letting his massive palm hold the weight of my head.

“I like making you smile,” he murmurs, his thumb sweeping over my bottom lip. “I wish I could do it more often.”

“I’m sor—”

“No.” He cuts me off, his gaze hardening. “Do not apologize. I won’t hear it.” He leans in, his lips brushing mine like a whisper. “It’s my job to make you happy.”

“Why?” I whisper, fighting the urge to lean in to the kiss.

He pulls away, and I suck in a breath of relief. If he kept that position, I don’t know how long I would be able to fi—

“Because you belong to me. I take pride in making my toys happy.”

Indignation hardens my gut, and it feels like someone dumped a bucket of water over my head. What the hell am I doing? I should be plotting my escape, not playing house with my kidnapper. I should push him away, then deliver a swift kick to his nethers.

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