Page 43 of The Devil's Vice

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Even as the thought passes my mind, I know I won’t do it. Not with the way he’s looking at me. Like that’s exactly how he expects me to react, and he’s already picking out the punishment.

I need to stop this and switch it around. Make him just as uneasy as he did to me.

“What did you do with Drew’s body?”

Kain’s composure slips for a moment, and then that iron-clad wall is back in place, telling me I better tread carefully.

“Why are you asking me that?”

I shrug, trying to keep my face just as cool as his. “He was my friend before you murdered him in cold blood. Of course I want to know what happened to him.”

Kain’s face twists with rage, and for a moment, I think I’ve gone too far.

“He wasn’t your fucking friend, Lillith. He was trying to sell you. I protected you from a threat you couldn’t—or wouldn’t—see. I did what needed to be done.” He pins me with a hardened gaze. “I had my associate burn his remains and throw them in the ocean. Since you wanted to know so badly.”

I’m going to be fucking sick.

“You’re not lying… are you?” I shudder when an image of Drew trying to hit that pigeon assaults my memory. Was it there all along? Showing up wherever I was, constantly trying to get me alone outside of work… It never occurred to me that his intentions were malicious. I shudder to think about what would have happened if he had come over that night as planned.

“Of course not. I have no reason to lie to you, Lillith. My sole purpose this entire time has been to protect you. Lying would only serve to harm you.” Kain tilts his head like he’s trying to understand me. “Do you have any other questions?”

“I do.” I pause, wondering if it’s worth it to ask. It’s been gnawing at me since the day he left that creepy-ass bag of worms in my apartment. “Why me? Why the hell do you want me?”



How can she even ask that? Why her? She’s fucking everything. So sweet, brilliant, wonderful, effervescent. She’s everything I’m not, and then some.

And she has the gall to ask me why?

I tilt my head, regarding the strange, beautiful creature standing before me. “The question you should be asking is why wouldn’t I want you.”

She huffs, crossing her arms over her breasts. I can’t help from dropping my gaze, and a shiver of satisfaction runs through me as her face reddens. “I have eyes, you know.”

“Yes. They’re the most magnificent pair I’ve ever seen,” I murmur, taking a step closer. The rise and fall of her chest picks up speed, and the corner of my lip tugs upward. “You look surprised, Lillith. Has no one said these things to you before?”

“If they had, I probably would have put my foot between their nethers.”

I shake my head, positive my chest will burst with that strange emotion I only experience in her presence. “I should probably stay out of kicking distance, then.” Even still, I take another step toward her. From this distance, I can smell the flowered soap wafting from her porcelain skin, and it’s driving me fucking mad.

Her eyes widen as I lean down, our lips inches from brushing. I can practically taste her on my tongue, but I keep my distance, willing her to close the last few inches between us.

“Your heart is beating pretty fast, Lillith,” I murmur, a grin tipping my mouth as her breath catches. She’s so close, so close to giving in. If only she would just…

Her fingers touch the edge of my mask, and before I can stop her, she pries the metal contraption away, revealing the horror that is my face. She presses up on her toes, and in a blink, her lips press against the side of my face—the scarred side. A lightning bolt shoots straight to the marrow of my bones, and I leap back from her. My expression must be crazed because she holds her hands up, taking a step away from me like I’m some rabid grizzly bear.

“I-I’m sorry,” she whispers, her brows narrowed in worry. “I didn’t mean to…”

I shake my head. “Don’t. It’s me. I shouldn’t have…” I shouldn’t have let you get so close. A huff of air passes my lips, and I run a hand over my ragged skin. “I need some air.”

Before she has time to stop me, I shove open the door to the greenhouse and step outside, taking in lungfuls of the crisp air. It was one thing for her to touch my face, but for her lips to touch such a disgusting… I can’t finish the thought. It’s been so long since I thought about my appearance and so many years since I considered letting anyone close enough to see me, let alone touch me.

The worst part is that… is that it felt good. I didn’t want her to stop. I wanted her to trail her beautiful lips all across the marred, aching flesh. I cup the side of my face, my shoulders drooping. I should’ve taken my fucking mask back.

“Kain?” The tinkling voice constricts my chest, and though I want to, I can’t look at her. Not without my face. Not without the thing that allows her to stomach me.

I jerk when something cold presses against the palm of my hand. My mask. She brought me my mask.
