Page 62 of The Devil's Vice

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I scoop her limp frame into my arms, cradling her to my chest as I take the stairs back to the main room. My heart swells as she wraps her arms around my neck, nuzzling her nose against the side of my neck.

After giving her a quick bath, I wrap her in one of my long-sleeved shirts and carry her to the bedroom. The thought of taking my hands from her nearly kills me, so instead of placing her onto the mattress like usual, I keep her in my arms as I clamber onto the bed. I pull the comforter over us, making sure it’s tucked under her back and legs like she likes it.

Right before she falls asleep, she looks up at me, those emerald pools wide and trusting. And then, her mouth tips in the smallest of smiles.

I watch her sleep on my chest, counting her breaths for a few hours before sleep curls its icy fingers into me. Right before I drift off, my phone buzzes from the nightstand, but one look at Lillith’s peaceful, sleeping face, and I turn it off.

Whatever it is, it can wait.

I hope.



I wake to the soft glow of light peeking under the bathroom door, and a mighty yawn tears from my mouth. Instead of leaping out of bed like I normally would, I nestle deeper into Kain’s sheets, breathing in his addicting scent. With the lack of windows, there’s no real way for me to tell what time it is, but the aching in my joints tells me I’ve been asleep for far longer than usual.

I vaguely register the shower running in the distance, but the dull ache resonating from my hip shoots to the forefront of my mind. Tenderly, I prod the fresh white scar, a sick little smile tugging the corners of my mouth.

It’s cute. As long as I don’t think about the meaning behind it and the monster I’ve willingly tied myself to… it’s cute.

With a groan, I throw the sheet off and pad over to the door, pausing as my hand touches the cool brass. I’m dying for a cup of coffee, but I don’t know if anything’s changed after last night. If I’m allowed to… leave the bedroom.

I turn the handle, and to my surprise, it moves. Light from the living room floods through the crack in the door, but I don’t push it open farther. Because the shower has stopped running.

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end, and I know if I turn my head, he’ll be there. Watching me.

“Where do you think you’re going, Lillith?”

Adrenaline kickstarts my heart, and I yank my fingers from the handle. “Nothing. I mean, I was heading into the kitchen.” In two steps, he’s in front of me, water falling from his sculpted frame and making a puddle on the carpet. Kain cocks his head, taking me in with a unique intensity. I look to the side, my body uncomfortably warm with him so close and so…naked. Despite everything we’d done last night, I’m apparently not used to seeing the male frame in such a stark light.

“What for?” he asks, sliding a strand of my hair between his fingers. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

“The latter.” I reach up to straighten the line forming between his brows. “You don’t need to look so worried. I’m just dying for a cup of coffee.”

“That I can fix.” He leans down, brushing his lips against mine. “On the patio?”

I wrap my arms around his neck, and his skin shudders.

“Yes, please,” I whisper.

The cup warms my palms as I draw the lip to my mouth. I sip at the edge, careful not to burn my tongue from the urge to dump the contents down my throat. Ahhh. Precious bean water.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Huh?” I jerk my eyes up, utterly surprised at what seems to be a genuine smile tugging at his mouth. “Did I say something?”

“Yes.” He cocks his head. “Bean water?”

My face heats the longer he stares at me. “I really thought I said that in my head.”

“So it seems. I like it. It’s… catchy.” His lips part, showcasing a row of perfectly straight white teeth. The sight catches me off guard, and it occurs to me that I’ve never actually seen him smile before.

“What’s that look for?”

“Who, me? Nothing,” I murmur, hurrying to take another sip of the surprisingly delicious brew. I wonder if he grows his own beans in that greenhouse over there. I’ll have to ask.

“I don’t like disobedience, flower.” His voice is a low growl that I have to strain to hear, but it still sends a chill through me. Sitting out here sipping coffee in perfect civility, I almost forgot what kind of man sits beside me. A ruthless killer with a paper-thin temper and a need to satisfy that bloodlust. I just happen to be the only thing on the menu at the moment.

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