Page 63 of The Devil's Vice

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“I was just thinking how I’ve never seen you smile,” I rush to explain. “I like it. It’s… nice.”

Kain cocks his head. “I didn’t realize I had. You bring out all sorts of interesting emotions in me, Lillith.”

“So it seems.”

I catch the hint of a smile out of the corner of my eye, but he says nothing more. We sit in silence for quite a while, listening to the pines creak and just enjoying each other’s presence. It occurs to me how lonely it would be, sitting out here with nothing but your thoughts and the chirp of cicadas to keep you company. For a normal person, it might drive them mad.

I shoot a glance at Kain. Then again, who’s to say it hasn’t taken its toll on him?

“You’re staring again.”

I quickly look away, forcing my face into one of innocence. “Was not.”

“I may only have one eye, Lillith, but I can see perfectly fine. Don’t lie to me.” He tries to keep his voice tough, but I can’t help but think there’s a hint of amusement there, too. “You ready to go inside?”

“Do we have to?” I tilt my face toward him with a pout. “It’s kind of nice out here. Less stuffy.”

His lip twitches. “You think my house is stuffy?”

“Are there any secret windows I’m not aware of?” I quirk a brow. “Because if not, then yeah, it’s stuffy.” At this, his eyes darken. Shit. Took it too far.

“Get inside, Lillith,” he orders, his pupil blowing as he stands from his chair. “Now.”

I clutch the lukewarm cup to my chest as I hasten inside. A moment later, the exit seals shut, and I’m trapped in the small wooden box once more. Kain presses into my back, circling his arms around my waist at the same time as he lowers his head to my neck. His teeth rake my skin, sending a shot of warmth to my core.

“You always smell so delicious, little flower,” he coos, his earlier temper nowhere to be seen. “So sweet. So innocent.”

I can’t help the giggle that pours from my throat. “I don’t think I can be considered innocent after last night.”

His teeth sink into my flesh, and I let out a gasp. “You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about, Lillith. We haven’t even scratched the surface of the depravity I’m going to introduce you to. You won’t even recognize yourself when I’m done with you.” He kisses the affected area sweetly, a contradiction to the filth pouring from his mouth. “Doesn’t that sound wonderful, Lillith?”

I nod, and Kain’s chest shakes with a chuckle. “That’s what I thought.” He swats my ass, causing me to stumble forward from the force. “You hungry?”

“I can eat.” I grin at him, hoping he doesn’t realize just how hard my heart is racing. It’s indecent. “What do you have in mind?”

“How do banana pancakes sound?”

My mouth drops. “You’re gonna make me pancakes again?”

“Unless you want something else.” He shrugs, stepping over to the fridge and pulling out a carton of eggs. “I can also make waffles.”

“Are you real?”

A smile tugs at his lips as he sets a saucepan on the stove. “I’ve often wondered the same thing about you.”

I lean against the counter, watching the muscles in his arms flex as he goes through the motions. The way his body moves is unlike any man I’ve seen. It’s like he’s gliding through space, each muscle fiber expertly primed for movement. It’s enchanting.

I’m brought out of my sickening swoon-fest by a soft squeaking noise. I whip my head to the corner of the room but can’t see anything past the thick leather armchair. Noticing my attention has shifted, Kain’s eyes follow my line of sight.

Squeak… squeak… squeak

“What’s that?” I look at him, wide-eyed. He removes the sizzling pan and cranes to hear. A small chuckle resonates through his body as he steps away from the stove and over to the corner. I stand frozen in place as he scoops a small white rectangle from the floor, tilting the face toward me so I can see.

A tiny mouse is plastered to the front of the glue trap, its pure white fur matted and grimy from the adhesive. The same little chirps spring from its mouth, though with slightly more force now that he’s suspended in the air.

“See? Just a mouse,” Kain states. He steps over to the counter and raises the trap above his head, and it occurs to me what he’s about to do.

“Stop!” I screech, leaping between him and the counter with my arms out wide. “Don’t kill him!”
