Page 75 of The Devil's Vice

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I turn, meeting his baby blues head-on. “Yes.”

He looks unnerved by my answer but still asks, “Will Lillith be joining you?”

I fix him with a stare that has him cowering. “How do you know her name?”

John looks off to the side like he’s making sure he has a witness if I snap. “Bear… he’s mentioned her a few times. I think she made quite an impression on him.”

I’m not sure what he’s trying to insinuate, but I’m not having it. “What are you trying to tell me?”

“Just that I think you should be careful. Bear’s… he hasn’t been himself lately. Drinking too much, snapping if you so much as look at him wrong…” He fixes me with a hard stare. “He’s starting to remind me of you.”

I stare back, unflinching. “Is that such a bad thing?”

He blinks. Once. Twice. Then he turns on his heel and stalks to the exit. “I’ll see you tonight, Kain.”

I watch his back, his words playing on repeat in my mind. I’ll have to talk to Wes tonight—a real talk to find out what’s going on with him.

An alarm buzzes, and I yank my phone from my pocket. Fuck, it’s already been an hour.

I swipe to the cameras I have installed in my basement, my cock twitching at the sight of Lillith strapped to the table, that small pink dildo thrusting in, out, in, out.

I’ll worry about my friend later. Right now, I have to take care of my flower.



My body shudders as a wave of pleasure fills my veins, and my body goes limp on the table. I’m not sure how many orgasms I’ve had since Kain left, and some part of me never wants to know, just wants more.

The ringing in my head is so loud that I don’t notice the sound of the hatch creaking open or the soft sound of boots against the carpet.

“Hello, flower,” a voice coos. My core tightens, reacting to that low, rumbling tone. A callous hand tightens on my ass, spreading me to get a better look at the arm thrusting in and out of my used pussy.

“Still wet. Insatiable little thing,” he murmurs, a hint of pride lacing his tone. He turns the machine off at some point, though it takes me a moment to register. Kain works swiftly, undoing the straps holding me to the table, then scoops me in his arms, holding my limp body close to his.

“I love watching you come,” he groans, pressing his face into my neck. “You look beautiful on camera, Lillith.”

My heart races as I think about him watching me in the basement. What depraved thoughts ran through his mind, driving him mad. I place my palm over his heart, smiling at the violent thrumming that mirrors mine. Power. That’s what it feels like to have that kind of effect on a man like Kain. Raw power.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he growls, tightening his arms as he takes the stairs. “If you still want to come tonight, we need to get you in the bath.” His fingers tighten on my ass as he adds, “Unless you’d like to go like this… I wouldn’t mind that at all.”

My cheeks redden as I smack his arm. “I’m going to go with the bath, thank you very much.”

His chest rumbles with a silent chuckle. “I had a feeling you’d say that.”

A shudder runs the length of my spine as I look up at the neon sign blinking through the main window. Hellfyre Motorcycle Club.

“You look beautiful,” Kain muses, and I jump as he drapes his leather jacket over my shoulders. While it barely fits his massive biceps, I’m practically swimming in the heavy material. The bottom of it brushes my kneecaps, highlighting the sheer height difference between the two of us.

“What’s the point of the dress if I’m going to cover it up with this?” I grumble, rolling up the sleeves to free my hands.

“What do you think the point is?” He grips my chin, pulling my attention back up to him.

“So people will know I’m yours?”

Kain nods slowly, the ravenous look in his eye sending a shiver down my spine. “Good girl. Now stop fucking with the jacket and follow me inside. You remember the rules?”

It’s my turn to nod. “Stay away from the guys with green jackets. If anyone looks at me weird, I let you know.”
