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“You don’t think we wear a mask for the same reason? To keep people out?”

His eyes widen. “I think humans wear a mask to appease each other. They hide something to gain something. But it’s riveting to know you’re hiding something so dark, you feel you need to keep people out of it.”

This conversation is veering in far too personal territory. There’s a tiny voice that nags me, asking why it’d be so bad for Teizel to know my secret. He’s a literal monster from the afterlife — there’s no way he’d make fun of me for it, or use it to spread rumors. He has the same interest in keeping the spirit world hidden. And yet, primed by years of concealing, I can’t bring myself to do it.

I shut the lid to the box and stand. “I’m going to take this home and stew on it.”

He makes to follow me, but I hold up a hand to stop him. “Alone.”

“You think you can solve the puzzle on your own?”

“I don’t think I can solve the puzzle at all,” I admit. “But I need space and clarity. And I’m not going to find it with you crowding me and clouding my thoughts.”

Teizel smirks. “What exactly am I clouding your thoughts with?”

Not doing this. I toss the jewelry box in my tote bag and sling it over my shoulder. “Goodbye, Teizel.”

“Tei,” he calls out as I’m walking out of the parlor. I slow my steps. “My people call me Tei.”

I throw one last glance his way. “I’m not your anything.”

The smile never leaves his lips. “Challenge accepted.”

chapter 19

playing with fire


Esme needs a bit of a push, a shove to help her get started. I can’t reveal the meaning of the first two trinkets to her — I’ve tried that before, and let’s say it didn’t end well — but I can leave her clues, suggestions. Once she’s on the right path, I have no doubt she’ll be able to pull at the thread on her own, despite what she believes.

I’ve seen her fire just as well as I’ve witnessed her trying to hide it from people. There’s no logical reason I should care about bringing it out, making her shine, and yet her little human secrets chew at me like a dog with a bone, begging me to unravel them.

Hence why I’m at her bookstore. I could’ve dropped off what I needed to without being noticed, but I can’t deny myself a chance to spar with her more, so I peruse the stacks, making a point of letting my feet land heavily with each step, revealing my presence.

It’s not long before Esmeralda comes charging toward me, scowl set deep on her lovely features.

“What are you doing here?” she growls.

I wave a hand in the air. “Whatever do you mean? This shop is open to the public, is it not?”

“Yes, the public.” She leans her shoulder against the corner of the bookshelf I’m browsing, lowering her voice. “The human public.”

“Now, now. A little discriminatory of you, don’t you think? What did monsters ever do to you?”

Her eyes narrow. “They roped me into a game that’ll cost me my life.”

I can’t help a grin — she’s coming at me with claws today, and I can’t get enough of it. “Only if you can’t win it. I’m confident you can come out victorious.”

“Are you mocking me?” The venom in her voice lashes against my skin like a whip. “Is that what this is? Do you enjoy basking in your challengers’ misfortunes?”

I take a step closer. Esme throws a glance behind her, checking the hallway, but she chooses not to back away. “Not even a little. You can choose to dwell in whatever sob story you’re telling yourself, but I see it for what it is — an excuse. You have all the tools to succeed except the belief that you can.”

Esme’s mouth opens with a pop and her eyebrows climb high atop her forehead. “You think I’m looking for sympathy, don’t you?”

“Wrong, again. I know you’ve got no use for my or anyone else’s sympathy — you’re looking for us to feign ignorance. You don’t want people to notice you.” I reach a hand for her cheek, and maybe out of surprise, she allows me to run a finger down her smooth skin. “But you’re hardly the kind of person who goes unnoticed, so you have to make yourself shamefully small to achieve your goal. It’s a pity.”

My finger travels to her jaw before she snaps her head from my touch. “You don’t know me. You have no idea what I’ve had to deal with. I’ve been the center of attention before, and trust me, I have no interest in going there again. People are cruel.”
